Spring Fun at Falcon’s Nest

MRHS 2024 Spring Pep Rally

By Ireland Fischer 25’

Photo Credit : Lia Bram

The Monmouth Regional High School’s Spring Pep Rally was held on April 19th, 2024 on the football field. The original date (March 27th, 2024) was rescheduled due to issues with the weather and another conflicting event being held on the same date, Comic Mon. The advisor of the latter event, Ms. Donoghue, stated that this event was not purposely scheduled for the same date as the pep rally since their date had been set back in late winter, but was simply another opportunity for students (not involved in sports) to attend this separate event. 

As for the Spring Pep rally, Student Council organized the event to include relay races, musical chairs, and the Soak-a-Senior event which is a fundraiser for the Senior Class of 2024. The rally spotlighted all the spring sports teams including: baseball, softball, lacrosse, golf, track & field, boys tennis, and the band.

At the beginning of the pep rally, the Spring sports were introduced by each team’s coach, and the names of Varsity athletes from each sport were mentioned. Each class then competed in a relay race, including a different sport for each task. The junior class won the race, gaining 100 Battle of the Classes points for their class. Next, the softball and baseball teams competed in musical chairs in which Connor Keefer of the baseball team won.

The Soak-a-Senior event was organized weeks prior to the pep rally; classmates nominated a senior they would like to see get soaked with water at the pep rally. The event included many different amounts of water, including a bucket of water which was thrown onto Senior Brian Colantuoni, who had $347 donated in his name.

According to Student Council advisor Mrs. Collison, the top eleven nominees (Genesis Pearson, Venky Maddeboini, Amy Olivera-Mendoza*, Matthew Gottfried, Thomas Priest, Chella Mistretta, Maybelle Pueblo, Orlando Ocelotl, Alejandro Cartagena, Josie Wall, Brian Colantuoni) were soaked. The event raised $1,117.78 for the senior class, Collison said.

*Amy Olivera-Mendoza was absent.

Photo Credit: monmouthregional2024 instagram          

(From left to right: Matt Gottfried, Brian Colantuoni, Venky Maddeboini,  Thomas Priest, Orlando Ocelotl, Chella Mistretta,  Josie Wall, Maybelle Pueblo, Genesis Pearson, Alejandro Cartagena)