A microstructural analysis of shear wave elastography in chronic kidney disease detection

Project title: A microstructural analysis of shear wave elastography in chronic kidney disease detection

Position: PhD candidate



Supervisor: Assoc Prof Ir Dr Ooi Ean Hin 

Project Description:

Shear wave elastography (SWE) is a non-invasive imaging modality that can be used to detect chronic kidney disease (CKD) by distinguishing the stiffness between healthy and diseased kidneys. Current SWE system estimates the stiffness based on the speed of shear wave propagation inside the tissue by assuming the tissue to be linearly elastic. Nevertheless, kidneys exhibit a myriad of characteristics that go against the linear elastic assumption. Our initial investigations have revealed that characteristics such as renal viscoelasticity, renal anisotropy and renal perfusion can significantly influence the measurement of shear wave speed, and hence the renal tissue stiffness. However, these studies were carried out at the macroscale and may not accurately describe the behaviour of shear wave propagation across the renal microarchitecture. This project will delve deeper into the influence of renal microarchitecture on chronic kidney disease detection using shear wave elastography.


Additional content / links to more information such as past papers by research group:

For more information on the Biomedical Engineering Modelling and Simulation (BEMS) group, please visit: https://sites.google.com/view/bemsmonash/home.

Please contact Assoc Prof Ir Dr Ooi Ean Hin via email: ooi.ean.hin@monash.edu