FAQ Miscellaneous

Qn: What do the pupils do in the Student Care on a daily basis? 

Pupils who enrol in our after school Student Care will have the time to shower, nap and complete their homework. The pupils will also be involved in some physical activities as well. 

For more information please click on this link: Student Care

Qn: How much pocket money should I give my child for recess?

Between $1.50 and $2.00. 

You may give your child extra pocket money for lunch if he/she is required to stay for any after-school activity. 

Qn: May I accompany my child on the first 2 days of school?

Your child will be with his/her class on the first day of school. You could watch your child in action during recess and one of the PE activities. You are encouraged to join the Parent Symposium on the 1st day of school. 

Qn: Will my child be able to refill his/her water bottle?

Pupils are allowed to refill their water bottles. Water coolers are placed at the school canteen and at every level of the school. This is to encourage the pupils to hydrate themselves often and drink plain water rather than sugary drinks. The school management monitors the level of hygiene for the water coolers closely. 

Qn: A fruit snack for the 12 noon break may not be sufficient as it is quite a long gap between their recess time and their lunch at home (most likely at 2.30 p.m.) Can the students bring at least a sandwich? 

Although the school encourages the eating of fruits, pupils are allowed to eat other finger foods such as sandwiches during their snack breaks. Do ensure that the food is healthy, easy to consume and will not drip or leave crumbs or stains easily. 

Qn: When time are the recess and snack break? 

P1 recess: 9.30 a.m.                 Snack break: 12 p.m.