FAQ Administrative

Qn: The Parent Gateway app doesn’t send notifications even when the option is set up for pushing notifications. 

If a parent wishes to receive push notifications for their School Gateway app they must ensure that push notifications are manually turned on for this app within their phone settings. 

For Apple devices:

For Android devices:

If you still encounter difficulties, please approach the General Office for assistance. 

Qn: What is the reporting time to school? Is it 7:30am or 7:45am?

Students are to report to school by 7:30 am (hall or parade square), where activities like silent reading, morning routines and announcements will begin. There is also an array of planned activities to engage pupils and enrich their educational experiences in school. 7:45 am is the commencement of the first lesson. 

Qn: What is the procedure for applying leave for my child?

As the curriculum and learning experiences have been planned for the entire term / year, parents should not take their child out of school during term time, unless it is for urgent matters. In such situations, parents have to write an email to their child’s form teachers to inform him / her of the leave application.