Mother Tongue Language

Can we choose our Mother Tongue Language (MTL)?

Pupils of Chinese, Malay and Indian ethnicities will study their own Mother Tongue Languages. Pupils are encouraged to learn their own Mother Tongue Language as it develops the pupil’s personal, social and cultural identity. If parents wish to choose another language for their child’s MTL, they may call the school to get more information on this. 

How can we prepare our children for their Mother Tongue Language (MTL) in Primary 1?

In Primary 1, pupils will learn the basic alphabet and letter or character sounds. Parents may read their own Mother Tongue Language books to their children. Teachers teaching Mother Tongue Languages will engage and motivate the pupils to learn MTL in a fun way. Through games and varied fun activities, pupils can learn and master the alphabet or characters and their sounds. To find out how they can help their children in MTL, parents may attend the Parent Symposium (conducted on the 1st Day of School) or Parents Workshop on MTL (parents will be informed via PG later).

Can a child attend Chinese as Mother Tongue Language (MTL) but also be taught Malay in school as an elective?

As part of the national bilingual policy, pupils take a Mother Tongue Language (MTL) as a second language. Pupils of Chinese, Malay and Indian ethnicities will study their own MTL. Starting from P3, pupils can choose to enrol in the Conversational Chinese/Malay Programme as an after-school enrichment programme.