Passing it On

"That's how it is with God's love. Once you have experienced it,

you spread his love to everyone. You want to pass it on."

Serving the community has a key place in SJC as we strive to uphold the IJ mission and "work together for the promotion of truth, justice, freedom and love, with special reference to the needs of persons who are disadvantaged in any way”.

Even with Covid restrictions in the past couple of years, students find different ways to use their talents for the good of others. They may start from volunteering in school events, to running a campaign to educate and help their peers in school or planning a Values in Action project with external organisations.

Community Youth Leadership is also the focus of our school's Learning for Life Programme (LLP).

Find out how our student step up to lead and serve, and in doing so, light the way for others around them.

Values in Action

SJC's approach to VIA centers on choice and autonomy, where students are given opportunities to advocate and champion a cause they have identified. These can be in their classes, through their CCAs, or initiated by individual students.

Students carry out research, and are guided to find out more about the needs and issues surrounding their target beneficiary before they come up with a plan for their project. Find out more in the stories below!

Student Leadership

With the belief that every student has the potential to lead, we offer a range of student leadership platforms to suit the students' interests and readiness:

  • Class-level: Monitors and Peer Support Leaders

  • CCA-level: CCA leaders

  • School-level: Student Council, Sports Leaders

All student leaders go through training and are given opportunities for them to practise and develop their leadership skills.