Cherishing every SJCian

- Celebrating Growth -

In line with our commitment to the holistic development of students, we celebrate and affirm students not just for academic achievements, but for positive character traits and values. This can be seen in our morning assembly sessions, where students are frequently recognised for good deeds and their effort in various projects and competitions.

Our annual Awards Ceremony also features many students who are highlighted for their character and demonstration of our school values.

In this section, read more about how we create an affirming culture that recognises the unique worth of every SJCian. Plus, a special feature on three graduands, who were chosen to represent their cohort at the 2022 Graduation Ceremony.

Our Class of 2022 Graduating Cohort Representatives

Kayla Maree Humphries

Our Student Council President (2021-2022) shared about her journey in SJC, and what helped her manage her many responsibilities in secondary school.

Expand this section to read her speech!

On the last day of my journey in SJC, I would like to share about my journey here with all of you.

I came from an affiliated primary school, so transitioning to secondary school life was not too difficult for me. I already knew some friends here, and I also met many wonderful new people along the way.

However, I soon realised that secondary school life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Like students everywhere, I encountered my fair share of difficult exams, stressful periods and personal obstacles that I had to overcome. But over the course of these four years, I have been able to get back on my feet again with the support of teachers and friends here. Their presence has allowed me to continue growing in spite of the challenges I faced.

At the end of Secondary 1, I was given the opportunity to be a Student Councillor. This was something I had always dreamed of in primary school, but did not get the chance to realise. In the Student Council, I met a new group of friends who journeyed with me through the next three years of my life at SJC. Being appointed as President at Secondary 3 brought with it a new period of uncertainty because of my new responsibilities. However, it also gave me many new opportunities and experiences. I am also fortunate to be in CentreStage, the CCA that has allowed me to grow and learn how to be a better speaker. Despite all these commitments, I am thankful to have the chance to meet and work with all the people, students and teachers both, during my time in SJC.

Besides my CCA and Council, I am also very close to my friends who share the same faith as me. Being Catholic, we often shared what we did in church, as well as the lessons we had learnt. Since we were both active in our church community, we had much to bond over and I really felt that this helped our friendship grow.

I am thankful to SJC that I was able to learn so much and meet so many wonderful people, especially my classmates who have been my pillars of support.

To my batch mates and juniors, I would like to leave you with this quote, “God works all things together for good, to them that love him and are called according to his purpose”. Thank you.

Angeline Wee

Having transferred from the Normal Technical to Normal Academic Stream, Angeline has inspired us with her resilience and determination.

Expand this section to read her speech!

Stepping foot into SJC on my first day of school was not how I had imagined it to be. While I was happy to be in SJC, like most of my peers, I wanted to get into the Normal Academic or Express stream. However, things had not gone as I wished, and I was only eligible for the Normal Technical course.

In my first few days in SJC, my teachers told us that we had the chance to be promoted to the Normal Academic stream the following year if we worked hard. This motivated me greatly, and I did as my teachers advised.

Fast forward to the end of the year, I was pretty confident that I would be offered the transfer. I had worked really hard the whole year with this goal in mind.

To my disappointment, I was one point off from the required score. However, my teachers had seen my effort over the past year and believed I was capable of handling the more demanding course. They spoke up for me and the school decided to give a chance. I was promoted to the Normal Academic stream!

This was indeed a valuable lesson for me. Whatever we do, we should try all possibilities and seize opportunities when they come, for only then will we be able to achieve our desired goals and aspirations.

Of course, achieving this goal did not mean all was smooth-sailing after that. Not only was I adapting to my new course, in a new class, I was also given the opportunity to become a trainee Student Councillor. The transition was challenging indeed. I had to cope with the demands of new subjects and also had to learn to manage my role and responsibilities as a Councillor.

As time went by, I felt burnt out from the tremendous workload. However, I was determined not to give up and put in my best to catch up with my peers. At the end of the year when we had to choose our subject combinations, I was yet again met with disappointment. I did not get the combination I originally wanted. However, I am thankful that my results were still satisfactory given my circumstances.

In Secondary 3, I was also entrusted with the role of being an Exco member in the Student Council. I was very happy, but worried at the same time. I feared the additional workload might affect my studies.

Nevertheless, I took on the role and managed to cope. This was yet another lesson for me — whatever the circumstances, no matter how hard the path may be, we should persevere and have the courage to face the challenges that come our way. At the end of the day, we will come out stronger, braver and more prepared to face anything.

I would not have made it through this roller coaster ride in SJC without all the support and encouragement given to me by my teachers. Thank you so much for teaching me that good things do come to those who work for it!

Joy Blessi

At graduation, Joy looks back on the highlights of her secondary school life in a lively and personal speech.

Expand this section to read it!

I would like to start my speech by first congratulating the whole cohort today. We are finally going to graduate! We actually made it!

Life in SJC has been like a never ending 'Fast and Furious' movie. Looking back, I feel that these four years have passed by so quickly. Yet, I am sure that the memories from our first day of school, our first form class, the first A1 and not forgetting the first failing grade remain fresh in your hearts, just like they are in mine.

When we first entered SJC, little did we anticipate what might come next. It took some time for us to adapt to what was happening, but soon enough this school became our second home. Despite the many tests, projects and competitions we stressed over, we never failed to laugh and make happy memories here.

So what actually made me feel attached to SJC? What am I grateful for?

Life in SJC has exposed me to both happy and challenging moments. I had to learn to navigate my emotions around many obstacles. Weight gain, poor academics, poor mental health, anxiety are just some examples. However it was amidst all these battles, that I actually grew to appreciate the school.

Each day, I learnt something new from my teachers, friends, counsellors and Year Heads. Some of them through direct interaction, others through the many talks, sharing, or even through the programmes they have planned for us. Their efforts have definitely in one way or another, helped to sustain me through these four years. I have made so many unforgettable memories here because each one taught me something new and made me tougher as a person,

Honestly speaking, none of this was expected. I had dreamed of going to another secondary school. Standing here now, I realised that everything happens for a reason. If I had not come to SJC, I don't think I would have learnt to be as strong as I am now. I would also not have been so inquisitive as a learner. So yes, this is why I feel grateful for to be here!

However, I do feel a new sense of excitement as I look forward to a new journey filled with success and failures beyond secondary school.

I would like to take this opportunity to share my sincere and grateful thanks to Mrs Pinto, Ms Ho and Ms Tan for guiding the students to be women who are strong in moral values and faith. And definitely, a heartfelt thanks to my form teachers, CCA and subject teachers, my schoolmates and as well as my friends,for these 4 years. You made all the challenges of secondary school bearable. Thank you!