Nurturing our Gifts

- Mathematics, Science & Technology -

Hands-on learning and the application of concepts to real-world contexts help our girls engage deeply with Mathematics, Science and Technology. Across the different disciplines, students who show an interest and aptitude have the opportunity to challenge themselves through competitions and gain exposure to topics beyond the formal curriculum.


In SJC, we adopt a spiral approach across the levels to allow students to build up their skills and understanding of key concepts. Students are exposed to various modes of learning and platforms to apply their mathematical skills towards solving problems in the real world .

The department caters to the different needs and abilities of our students in the different streams. Students will also be offered to take Math at a more demanding level if they meet the criteria.

Students can look forward to enrichment opportunities such as:

  • Mathematics Trail

  • Singapore Mathematics Olympiad

  • International Mathematical Modelling Challenge


Science lessons at SJC aim to excite our students in the learning of Science through experiential learning with links to real-life scenarios. We also seek to equip students with an enquiring mind and problem-solving skills to contribute to society.

Our Science Enrichment Programme provides opportunities to expand the students’ perspectives and experiences beyond the syllabus.

Some examples include:

  • Chemistry, Biology and Physics Junior Olympiads

  • ignITE Skills Challenge

  • Excursions and workshops for authentic learning

Nutrition and Food Science

Nutrition and Food Science aims to develop students into discerning consumers, health ambassadors and innovators in the food industry. We encourage authentic learning by exposing students to a range of cooking methods and organising workshops and talks by professional chefs. Students also see the relevance of what they learn in other subjects such as Chemistry, Biology and Physical Education.

Students can look forward to:

  • Themed food competitions

  • Workshops and talks by professionals in the food industry

  • Self-directed learning through ICT

Design and Technology

Design and Technology engages students' creativity and problem-solving skills to design, make and evaluate their own products and systems independently. All lower secondary students will have the chance to embark on their own design journey and see their designs become an actual product.

Students can look forward to:

  • Realise their design through prototype-making

  • Designing and making their own pull-toys and simple machines

  • Participating in design competitions

Computer Applications

In Computer Applications (CPA), students acquire skills to use a variety of computer applications to communicate and express ideas, as well as to generate solutions using computational thinking.

Student learn by doing and design computational artefacts during lessons. Animation and game-making are among the popular modules students enjoy in CPA.

Students can look forward to:

  • Using Scratch to create different games

  • Using Openshot to create videos

  • Participating in Animation and Game Making (AGM) Competition


Click on the images to find out more!

Code for Fun programme for Sec 2s

Getting hands-on for Science

Our Personal Learning Devices (PLDs)