Nurturing our Gifts

- Languages and the Humanities -

The art of communication, be it in English or one's Mother Tongue, is a key focus in SJC's curriculum. In both language departments, the core curriculum is expanded to enable students to express themselves through multiple platforms. This is closely tied to the school's Applied Learning Programme in Theatre and Debates.

English Language and English Literature

The English Language and English Literature curriculum seeks to develop all SJCians to become empathetic and effective communicators. Students learn not only to employ language accurately, but also to express themselves creatively using technology and dramatisation.

Lessons focus on creating experiences for deep learning. Students also work collaboratively in the process of writing and creating, to hone their communication and critical thinking skills.

Students can look forward to:

  • Explore different perspectives of the world through drama and debates.

  • Create and perform in their own vlogs, videos and skits.

  • Visits to the theatre to watch plays and talks by local writers.

Mother Tongue Languages (MTL)

Learning MTL at SJC is not just about developing language competencies, it is also about learning to appreciate one's cultural roots and connecting with people from different backgrounds. A range of activities are designed to engage students' interest in MTL, and to encourage creative use of the language.

Besides Chinese, Malay and Tamil, the school also offers Higher Chinese to qualifying students.

Students can look forward to:

  • Practising their language skills in authentic situations.

  • A wide range of enrichment programmes to learn about their cultural heritage and traditions.

  • Stretching their abilities through competitions or young journalist programmes with external agencies.


In the Humanities classroom, SJC students are given opportunities to develop their critical thinking skills as they question, investigate and share their opinions on issues that shape our society and the complex world we live in.

From Secondary 1, students are exposed to basic research and information skills. They continue to deepen these skills in Upper Secondary and are encouraged to share their findings in creative ways.

Students can look forward to:

  • Hands-on projects to research on topics of their interest

  • Creative ways of presenting their findings e.g. through stories, role-play and a range of physical and digital artefacts.

  • Learning journeys to supplement classroom learning and competitions for exposure to real-world issues.


Click on the images to find out more!

The "Voice of SJC" singing contest

The Wax Museum Drama showcase

Learning at the National Museum

Our Global Classroom Experience

Our Champion Radio Drama Writers

Sec 2 Drama Workshop