Cherishing every SJCian

- A Caring School -

Ask any SJCian, and they would tell you about the supportive and caring culture that they experience in school. School programmes are planned with the girls' well-being and social-emotional needs in mind. All staff, as well as a dedicated team of school counsellors and Student Welfare Officer are there to offer support for students in need.

The culture of care comes through not only through the staff, but among the students for one another.

Here, our students share about their SJC experience:

Our Caring School Culture

Spiritual Well-being

As a mission school, we care for the spiritual well-being of our students while remaining committed to creating an inclusive environment for all students and staff. Daily prayers, reflections and masses are conducted on a school-wide basis, and the culture of reflection and gratitude is part of the SJC experience.

Catholic girls who join SJC will have the opportunity to practise their faith as part of their daily school life. The weekly Friday morning chapel sessions are a touchpoint for them to come together in worship. Adoration sessions are also conducted during Religious Education (RE) lessons for these students. Many of our Catholic girls also volunteer and use their different talents for the school masses and events.

Click on the different images below to read more about how our faith presents itself as part of the SJC experience.

Our Chapel

Catholic girls gather weekly at the chapel for prayer sessions and sharings conducted by our school leaders and teachers. The chapel is also open for all who need some quiet time in the midst of a busy school day.

Daily Prayer

Every morning, we start the day with prayers led by Religious Education (RE) student representatives. Staff and students also take turns to share reflections to help us start the day on the right note.

Exams Prayer Service

(Tap on image to read more!)

A special service was held for Catholic girls to remind them that they are not alone when faced with challenges.

Thanksgiving Mass

(Tap on image to read more!)

The termly school masses are carried out with the help of student volunteers and in partnership with St. Anne's Church.

Easter celebrations

(Tap on image to read more!)

Teachers shared about the significance of Lent and Good Friday - and everyone enjoyed the Easter Egg hunt too!