Concern 2: The pump runs but turns off prematurely
Inspect the Power Source
Visually inspect plug connection and wiring condition for loose connections or damage.
Not Good: Secure the connection or perform wire repair [electrical shock warning] unplug Misting system before attempting to perform any wire repair on the system. Consult a professional electrician for repairs on power source wiring.
Good: Proceed to the next step-
Is GFCI/breaker tripping when the pump turns off?
No: Proceed to step 3 in this section.
Yes: Proceed to step 4 in this section.
Plug the Mistcooling pump into a different, known-good outlet (the usage of a properly rated extension cord is acceptable for diagnostic purposes):
Pump runtime improves: The issue is in the original power source, not the Mistcooling system. Please consult a professional electrician for diagnosis of the failed power source.
Pump runtime does not improve: Proceed to Inspect the Water Source.
If this is a 2GPM pump, a 30Amp dedicated breaker is required.
This is a 2GPM pump and it is not on a 30Amp dedicated breaker: Have a professional electrician install a 30AMP dedicated breaker.
This is a 2GPM pump and it is on a dedicated 30Amp breaker: Proceed to the next step-
This is not a 2 GPM pump: Proceed to the next step-
Reset the breaker and plug in another appliance that draws a current similar to the pump. Does the breaker also trip when that appliance is used?
Yes: The issue is in the original power source, not the Mistcooling system. Please consult a professional electrician for diagnosis of the failed power source.
No: Contact a Mistcooling technical support agent through email or by scheduling a call..
Inspect the Water Source
Is the system supplied water by a pressurized source or is it tank fed?
Tank-fed: Proceed to Tank-fed Water Source Inspection.
Pressurized source: Proceed to the next step-
Visually inspect the water source: Make sure the water is turned fully on. Make sure lines/hoses are free of leaks. Make sure lines/hoses are not kinked, crimped, blocked, twisted, or being squeezed by any objects pressing against them.
Not Good: address the issue and recheck the operation.
i. Good: Issue resolved
ii. Not Good: Proceed to the next step-
Good: Proceed to the next step-
Inspect water source output: Start by disconnecting the source line from the pump inlet. Is proper flow and pressure present?
Not Good: work backward down the line by disconnecting the line between the filter to the pump, the filter(s), any line between the filter and source outlet, and any garden hose between the line and source outlet, one at a time to identify the item restricting water flow. Replace as necessary. Find replacement parts here. (If the source outlet itself is restricted, a professional plumber should be contacted. The Mistcooling system is not the issue.)
Good: Proceed to the next step-
Inspect filter for debris and replacement schedule. An overdue/dirty filter may still interfere with pump operation even if some flow is present.
Not Good: replace the filter. Find filters here.
Good: Recheck the operation and see if the issue is resolved. If not, please Contact a Mistcooling technical support agent through email or by scheduling a call.
Tank-fed Water Source Inspection
Does the arrangement of the tank and pump still match the original system design? (Tank should be elevated about 1 foot above pump- if possible).
No: Please make sure the layout fits the original design. Does proper operation resume?
i. Yes: Issue Resolved.
ii. No: Proceed to the next step-
Yes: Proceed to the next step-
Is the tank full and properly ventilated?
No: Fill the tank and verify proper ventilation. Does proper operation resume?
i. Yes: Issue Resolved.
ii. No: Proceed to the next step-
Yes: Proceed to the next step-
Open the tank and verify that the float and sensor are positioned correctly (if the float and detector are stuck facing down, it will not allow power to the pump)
Not good: Reposition the float and sensor properly so that the sensor is “up” when the tank is full. Does proper operation resume?
i. Yes: Issue Resolved.
ii. No: Proceed to the next step-
Good: Proceed to the next step-
Verify that the is no air caught in the supply line between the tank and the pump inlet: (Disconnect the supply line from the pump inlet and verify that water drains out of the supply line with no air present.)
Water comes out with air bubbles: Allow water to flow until the air is purged, then reconnect to the pump inlet and recheck operation. Does proper operation resume?
i. Yes: Issue Resolved.
ii. No: Contact a Mistcooling technical support agent through email or by scheduling a call.
Water does not flow or flow is restricted: Address the restriction between the tank and of end of the supply hose, then reconnect to the pump inlet and recheck operation. Does proper operation resume?
i. Yes: Issue Resolved.
ii. No: Contact a Mistcooling technical support agent through email or by scheduling a call.
Water flows freely with no air: Reconnect to the pump inlet and contact a Mistcooling technical support agent through email or by scheduling a call.