It’s a Family Affair at My Best Friends Barber

By Seungjae Seo

Seungjae Seo

Team Cliff & Vi



Melinda Casey, 45, is a single mother of seven children, including two girls adopted from China. Four of them live with her now.

Melinda has been in the pet grooming industry since 1994. She learned the craft from her mother and now owns and operates 'My Best Friends Barber' in Excelsior Springs. She also practices her craft in another shop in nearby Polo, Missouri. Two cats, Truman and Andy, have "dinosaur cuts” and roam the premises, becoming the shop’s mascots.

It’s hard work. She grooms around 30 animals a day and works seven days a week to take care of her children along with her six dogs and two cats. It’s a family operation. Melinda's 5-year old twins often spend time in the shop before and after preschool, and the two older girls pitch in when they can after school.

Despite the long hours and hard work Melinda says, “I love my job. I think this is my calling.”

Case Casey, 5, runs with her dog into “My Best Friends Barber" located in downtown Excelsior Springs. The two often spend time there before and after school.

At closing time Melinda Casey brings the potted plants indoors for the night. On this night a four-footed client says goodbye in passing.

Store resident Andy sports his “dinosaur cut” while Melinda trims a client in the background.

All eyes are on Melinda as she prepares to trim another client at her shop.

Meredith Casey mirrors her mother as she soaps up their dog Lagers. They often work together in the shop.

It’s truly a family business. Melinda’s daughter Meranda also helps in the shop.

Meredith teases while fluffing a client’s fur and gives Meredith a fluff of her own.

Lagers anxiously leads the whole family out after closing time.

Harper, left, and Case are engrossed with their tablets while older sisters Meranda and Meredith find other diversions as the family head home after a day in the shop.

Lagers, one of six family dogs, patrols the front yard under Melinda’s watchful eye.

Brian Kratzer, Co-Director

Alyssa Schukar, Co-Director

Hany Hawasly, Technical Director

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