Life and Love in Hospice

By Margaret Albaugh

Margaret Albaugh

Team Cliff & Vi



Vic Bonuchi has always been part of a team, whether as a young baseball player or a coach for the high school football team. After 39 years coaching local teams, the lifelong sports fan has left his mark on Excelsior Springs where the high school football stadium is named after him: the Vic Bonuchi Field.

Vic has advanced Parkinson's disease and a new type of team: his caregivers. The team includes his home nurse Ann, his son Eddie, his daughter Viki, and the hospice nurses. From 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. every day, his wife Joann, who has Alzheimer's disease, is his sole caretaker. Viki says Vic has spent his life caring for others, "now it's our turn to care for him."

An old photograph of Vic’s childhood baseball team -- Vic’s “sandlot”, as Joann puts it -- hangs on a kitchen wall in their home in Excelsior Springs. Baseball, and sports in general, have played a dominant role in his life and in his home.

As the weather cools down, Vic and Joann spend an autumn afternoon on the porch of their home. Joann says they sit outside when the weather is nice. She tends to him, asking him what he may need and if he is comfortable enough.

To slow the effects of his Parkinson’s disease, Vic does physical therapy at home. When they can, his care team helps him go for a walk through the house. After a successful walk, his nurse Ann applauds him, and his wife holds his wheelchair steady so he can sit back down.

As 5 p.m. approaches, Ann prepares to leave for the day. She and Joann discuss the meal preparations waiting for them in the kitchen while Vic and their 6-year-old dog Winnie watch.

About an hour after Ann leaves, Joann begins meal preparations usually warming up whatever Ann, her daughter Viki, or her son Eddie, has made for them. She helps Vic get ready by positioning a bib to protect his clothing, and Winnie jumps in his lap to wait for a possible scrap.

Joann carries dinner to Vic. Their grown children and home nurse prepare meals for them.

Joann places dinner in front of Vic and warns him it is hot and checks what he may need.

After 64 years of marriage, Joann remains devoted to Vic’s health – physical and emotional.

After putting away meals and tidying up, Joann slips away to take care of herself for a moment. On the other side of the wall is their bed and portraits of generations of family in Excelsior Springs.

Joann has decorated her home with years of photographs. With the help of hospice care, Vic and Joann maintain their independence, which includes sleeping in their home, in their own bed, under the portraits of loved ones.

Brian Kratzer, Co-Director

Alyssa Schukar, Co-Director

Hany Hawasly, Technical Director

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