Samuel Kamakau

History Theatre Portrayal

Samuel Kamakau (1815-1876)

was enrolled at Lahainaluna Seminar in 1833, where he was a student of Rev. Sheldon Dibble. He had a very large part in helping to assemble material for Rev. Dibble’s History of the Sandwich Islands, published in 1836 Kamakau was also a founding member of the first Hawaiian Historical Society in 1841. He also published historical and cultural articles in the Hawaiian language newspapers in the late 1860s and early 1870s, sometimes disagreeing with John Papa `Ī`ī.

Book Now: All portrayals with curriculum are available virtually by pre-recorded video or live-streamed performance and are listed as options in the

Accompanying Curriculum

with resource links embedded

KAMAKAU IDM Curriculum 7th grade.doc

Original primary sources for the portrayals are on view on the