Teaching Assistant

TEACHING ASSISTANT   Unleveled                                         2.5 credits

A few departments may accept a very small number of applicants as Teaching Assistants (TA) for one semester. This course is open to juniors during the second semester and seniors during the year.  No student may take this course more than once during their MHS years.

Students must complete an application for TA for a specific course with a specific teacher. Next, they must meet with the teacher and get the teacher’s signature of approval. Students must then submit the application to the department chair/director and get their signature of approval. School Counseling will attempt to schedule this request with the specific course and specific teacher who approved the application.

The TA must be a role model for students in the course – always on time and prepared. The TA must be actively involved in classroom activities every day and will be formally assessed bi-weekly. The TA may be involved in checking homework/class work that is not graded and may tutor or coach students in the class. An individual serving as a TA in a classroom cannot (a) be doing his/her homework for other classes, (b) make photocopies, (c) see other students’ grades or be involved in grading, (d) see/hear confidential information about students in the class or, (e) be left in the room alone with other students should the teacher not be in the room.