Senior Privilege


Full-Year 003

Senior Privilege grants seniors in good standing the ability to carry a reduced course load. Instead of carrying 7 classes (35 credits), approved seniors may carry a course load of 6 classes for the year (30 credits) or one semester (32.5 credits).  Applications will be reviewed by your student’s School Counselor to ensure a rigorous course load and completion of graduation requirements, and reviewed by MHS Administration to ensure students are in good academic and behavioral standing.  The additional time afforded to seniors who are approved for a Senior Privilege (reduced course load) can be applied to:

Navigating the college application process

Completing a Senior Project for credit, under the guidance of a teacher or MHS Administrator of the student’s choosing 

Seeking or continuing with after-school, part-time employment

Seniors may choose Senior Privilege Course #002 to request Senior Privilege for only one semester, carrying a course load of 32.5 credits for the year.  Seniors may choose Senior Privilege Course #003 to request Senior Privilege for both semesters, carrying a course load of 30.0 credits for the year.  Seniors must have a schedule of at least 6 classes each semester.