Immersion French V

The following courses are designed for students who have successfully completed all courses in the French Immersion Program from grades 1-8 and all other qualified students.

IMMERSION FRENCH V (Prereq: Immersion French IV-Open to all qualified students) Honors 51405      College Prep 51305

5 credits

In this class, students will continue to refine and enhance their linguistic and communicative skills. They will learn to formulate and express critical opinions and judgments with greater fluency and improved accuracy. Systematic grammatical practice and review in meaningful and engaging contexts will help students solidify their oral and written proficiency.

Immersion French V (students have two options): 

5 Credits

1) Take Immersion French VI class (open to all qualified students) to develop proficiency in intensive conversational French.  2)  Take the AP French class (open to all qualified students) to prepare for the May exam.