AP Physics 2

Advanced Placement Sciences at Milton High School

Advanced Placement courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics are offered at MHS. AP Biology and AP Chemistry are open to all juniors and seniors who have successfully completed Biology I and Chemistry I. Before deciding to take an AP Science course, students and their families need to be aware of the following:

• All courses are taught using college-level texts.

• The advanced nature of these courses dictates that a significant amount of work must be accomplished independently by the student. Summer and other vacation assignments are required of all students.

• These are college-level courses and as such there will be fewer exams and no extra-credit opportunities. Every exam, lab report and other assignment has a greater significance when there are fewer assessments given.

• All AP Science students are required to take the appropriate AP Exam in May.

AP PHYSICS 2   33502

5 credits

This Algebra-based course is the equivalent of a second-semester college course in algebra-based physics.  The course covers fluid mechanics; thermodynamics; electricity and magnetism; optics; and atomic and nuclear physics.  A student must have successfully completed either honors physics or AP Physics I before taking this course.  It is highly recommended that a student obtain an A- or higher from Honors Physics, or a C or higher from AP Physics I.