Personal Finance II

PERSONAL FINANCE II    Unleveled 60028                                                                       

2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Personal Finance I

This course provides opportunities to learn about and experience a variety of advanced Personal Finance topics. The subject matter is designed to alert, inform, and educate students in concepts of Personal Finance and money management. Students will develop the skills and strategies that promote personal and financial responsibility related to financial planning and money management. The topics covered in this course will be sequenced in the following units: Investing, Credit, Financial Statements, Paying for College, Taxes, Philanthropy, and Buying a Car. 

Course activities will focus on Total Participation Techniques to engage all learners in the classroom.  Students will utilize various resources to research, problem-solve, and demonstrate a strong understanding of the topics.  The course will be heavily focused on real world application of the material through project-based activities.

To supplement the course activities, we will have several class guests throughout the semester to provide real-world examples of professionals who have expertise in personal finance and money management. Additionally, students will get to participate in a financial education fair during which they will simulate real-life financial situations based on an occupation (related to their interests), salary level, and hypothetical life circumstances.