Career Readiness and Internship

SEMESTER 1 - Grade 12 Pre-Internship Mandatory CAREER READINESS  Unleveled 60020           5 credits

Students will be instructed on career GOALS and define their path.  They will use hard and soft skills to coordinate their intended career path with business sponsors.  They will research expectations in a  professional setting, business etiquette, schedules, and define their final project for their end of the term showcase event.  Students must maintain excellent attendance (no more than 5 absences or tardies per semester), have a clean discipline record, and a minimum of a C in all classes.

SEMESTER 2 - INTERNSHIP                                                                                           

Prerequisite: Grade 12 Pre-Internship Mandatory Career Readiness Semester 1 in Grade 12

This course is designed to help students consider their career interests and continue planning a career path.  Students will build on prior career readiness knowledge to apply, interview, and secure an unpaid internship position.  They are responsible for scheduling and documenting their experience during the 6-week placement (April-May).  They will develop and promote the showcase event inviting administration, business partners, teachers, and parents/guardians.  Each student will present their final project during the Internship Showcase event at the end of May.  Continued academic excellence, discipline, and attendance are required.