2024 Memorial day, Graduation

We are proud members of the Mt. Horeb community, and we thrilled to be able to give back to a community that gives so much to us. 

2024 Memorial Day

Date, Location

Monday, May 27, 2024 @ MHHS


Full marching uniform!

Timeline for May 27, 2024

  9:15 a.m. Percussion meet on stage to run cadences

  9:30 a.m. All band members meet in band room

Be in full uniform at this point

  9:50 a.m. Head to main gym for indoor performance

Marching band instruments should be on stage for grab-n-go

Put hats under your chair, put gloves between outside two buttons

on right shoulder

 10:00 a.m. Program in main gym

 10:45 a.m. Approximate end of program, move to Garfield Street to line-up for parade

 10:55 a.m. Parade to Union Cemetery

 11:10 a.m. Program at Union Cemetery

 11:20 a.m. Approximate end of program, band members dismissed


Band members can return to HS to drop off equipment or 

take everything home and bring it to school on Tuesday

Timeline for May 28, 2024

All uniform parts need to be turned in on this day. This would include:

Remember, you need to turn in THE NUMBERED PARTS YOU WERE ASSIGNED. You will be charged for missing parts, even if you turn in something you’ve been wearing but isn’t your number. 

2024 Graduation

Date, Location

Sunday, June 2, 2024 @ MHHS and Alliant Energy Center


This is a formal event! Please dress as nice as possible, but also comfortably. You will be sitting for a long period of time, and it might be really hot or really cold so dress in layers. Also, please wear close-toed shoes as there will be a lot of equipment loading after the event and we want everybody to have intact toes when we're finished.


Seniors, you will ride the bus with us! We need you there early with us as it's our only time to rehearse with both groups combined, and it's our only chance to talk through how you move, when you move, where you move, etc. 

12:00 p.m. HS Music facility is open for students to get needed materials

    Buses for musicians load along Garfield Street

12:30 p.m. Buses for musicians depart for Alliant Center

  1:15 p.m. Buses for musicians arrive at Alliant Center freight area

  1:30 p.m. Music rehearsal in Hall C/D

  2:10 p.m. Music rehearsal ends

  2:15 p.m. Doors open to Hall C/D for general public entry

  3:00 p.m. Graduation begins

  4:15 p.m. Graduation concludes

  4:30 p.m. Begin loading trucks

  5:00 p.m. Trucks and buses leave Alliant Center

  5:45 p.m. Trucks and buses arrive at MHHS for unloading


We will use FIVE buses for the student musicians (many of the musicians will have smaller instruments to carry as well). We will have all the senior musicians with us; they will be required to travel to the Alliant Center with us on the buses so we can be sure to have them at the music rehearsal (they will need to know where to be when performing, when to move, where to move, etc.).

Student Field Trip Permission Form