High School Band

There is a place for you in the 2024-2025 Mt. Horeb HS Band program!

We would love to have you join the 2024-2025 Mt. Horeb HS bands and become part of a rich tradition that generations of your community members, family, and friends have been a part of.

2023-2024 MHHS Band Promo 

Who is in band at MHHS?

About 26% of the HS student body is in band (this year, about 194 students). For the students who are in band . . .

These members are successful students, hold down jobs, enjoy a variety of sports and clubs, and participate in band! The music staff works carefully with the adult leaders of our school to make it possible to be as involved as much as you want without conflicts. There is a place for you to be involved in the Mount Horeb band program!

Grades, Handbook, Dates, Google Classroom

Students, this is your "one-stop shop" for all things regarding band dates, grades, procedures, etc.

2023-2024 "When Do I Have Band?" 

2024-2025 MHHS Band Event Calendar

2023-2024 Q4 Grading Contract

2022-2023 MHHS Band Handbook

2023-2024 Fourth Quarter "A" Projects


There are a number of ways to connect with us for up-to-date information!


Remind is a way for us to send communication directly to you via text message. 

Text @b3hfh2 to the number 81010

You can also receive messages via email as well. If you'd like to be added to the Remind email list, please email Mr. Dorner and he can get you signed up.


Please follow or join the Mt. Horeb High School Music Department page on Facebook



Look for us on Instagram as well!