Hello, and welcome to The Vanston Viking's 2017-2018 First Lego League team. Here, we cooperate together to solve problems, compete with other teams; and of course, build robots out of LEGOs. We try to push one another to reach for the stars for creative solutions, and in doing so, we cooperate together.

This Year's FIRST Challenge

The challenge the team will endure throughout the year is The Hydrodynamics Challenge. The Hydraulic Challenge is a challenge that requires teams of people from different schools to identify their own problem with the HUMAN water cycle

To learn more, click on the field to learn more about the team's challenge!


Our team being taught the rules by our mentors, Sarah Bogle & FLL Team# 5079 MGPMRC and Jay Jordan (Cisco Engineer), whom have been a huge asset to our education of First rules, challenges, programming and overall how the FIRST system operates.