malatean scouts represent malate Catholic school in various events

Selected scouts of Malate Catholic School participated in the Youth Forum and World Thinking Day Camp.

Written by: Lorrieza Jhoilyn C. Punzalan 

Layout by: Sean Aldrich Siruno

March 5, 2023 | 12:50 P.M.

The scouts of Malate Catholic School went to the Youth Forum and the World Thinking Day Camp as representatives of Malate Catholic School and District 5. The events lasted from February 24-26 in different locations.

Youth Forum

A Youth Forum was held last February 25-26 by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines at Doroteo Jose Cayetano Arellano High School. The said forum consisted of activities to provide a platform for youth to give young people a chance to express themselves and socialize with others.

In an interview with John Efren Sayas, the newly elected Area Scout Representative for District 5 and a Malatean, he said there were three main activities. The first activity was an orientation on Robert's Rules of Order and a discussion of the Sustainable Development Goals discussed.

The second activity involved presenting their resolution and discussing new rules that can be implemented in the Manila Council. 

The last activity was the election for the Area Scout Representatives and Council Scout Representatives. John Efren Sayas won as the Area Scout Representative in District 5 (ASR 5) through a votation made by the scouts in District 5. “I am committed to creating projects and agendas not only for our school but also for the entire District 5,” Sayas stated.

World Thinking Day Camp

Last February 24-26, girl guides and girl scouts celebrated World Thinking Day in Ating Tahanan, Baguio City, with the theme “Our World, Our Peaceful Future.” The camp lasted three days to celebrate the birthdays of the scouting founders, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, and his wife, Olave Baden-Powell. 

According to an interview with Jana Michelle Espares, a Malatean and the District 5 Representative of the Manila Girl Scout Council, each day of the camp had different agendas and activities. On the first day, they followed an activity pack arranged by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). 

On the second day, the activities focused on the traditional girl scouts activities, such as the 8-Point challenges, camp skills relay, and the signs and symbols activity. 

The last day’s activity was hiking, wherein they went to Camp John Hay and had free 4 hours to roam around. 

Furthermore, apart from being the District 5 Representative, Jana Michelle Espares is also the representative of Malate Scouts outside school. “As a district 5 representative, my main responsibility is to get the word out there,” Espares expressed, as she is in charge of informing every school in District 5 about the events and activities of the Manila Girl Scouts.