
Starting in the 2019-2020 school year, we implemented a new Gemstone based on Service Learning and Community Outreach.

Timeline of our Project

Service In Action

Students learned about the word gap, who it affects, and how we can overcome the word gap. Students designed posters to promote reading and met with reading buddies in the lower grades to read together, build relationships and share books.

Philanthropy Then and Now

Students took a historical look at the likes of Ben Franklin and Andrew Carnegie to examine their legacy of helping others and contributing to the community. Students also reflected on the philanthropic efforts of Bill and Melinda Gates. We also took a look at the Special Olympics Organization and how Eunice Kennedy Shriver's own experiences shaped the organization into what it is today.

Students were assigned a Change Maker Hall of Fame Assignment to research about other change makers either in history or present day that are leaving a legacy for their community and the world.

Kid Change Makers

Students will be researching the none famous, inspiring work of kids and how they plan to change the world. The research focus is based off articles from Newsela and TEDTalks that will promote discussion and hopefully generate ideas to inspire our own actions to be change makers. One final piece to this topic will be a look at how Fox Chapel students have made a difference. One of our previous students inspired us in designing this project with her Gorilla Heroes nonprofit organization.

Be The Change

Finally, students will research and create an action plan for how they can help out their community. They may work individually or with peers. The final project will be presented in a showcase of displays and talks in the Spring to culminate our work.


After the final product, students will learn more about how service learning will look for them as they enter middle school and are eligible to start their service learning hours required for graduation. Additionally, in the final few weeks of school, we will look for ways we can give back to our Fox Chapel community before promotion ceremonies in June.