Dual Credit (DC)

The Dual Credit (DC) at the University of Wisconsin-Stout provides academically able students (GPA of 2.5 or higher, ACT 22 or higher, or teacher recommendation) the opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school. Students who enroll as a UW-Stout special student and successfully complete Middleton High School courses offered through the school's dual credit agreement may earn UW-Stout credit.   Final eligibility approval is determined by the department chair at UW-Stout, not the high school teacher, and therefore is not guaranteed. Any student can still take the course for MHS credit.

These credits are transferable to all UW system schools and 2 year colleges as well as approximately 200 additional colleges and universities across the country. Information regarding transferring Dual Credit credits can be found at https://www.transferology.com  

Note: Dual Credit offerings are dependent on teacher certification. 

While there have been several changes to the funding of this dual credit program over the past several years, DC courses are currently tuition-based, and families are responsible for this tuition. Last year, tuition was $105 per college credit (3 credits per course). This remains a substantial tuition reduction from on campus tuition. Dual Credit tuition is set by the UW-system and is subject to change. Students who qualify for Federal Free/Reduced lunch are eligible for a fee reduction to approximately $55 per credit. 

Dual Credit opportunities at MHS include:


• Apparel & Textiles II

• Hospitality & Tourism

* NOTE: DC course status is subject to change based on staffing.

Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP) 

The Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP) at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh provides academically able high school juniors and seniors with a GPA of 3.25 or higher the opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school. Students who register and successfully complete courses offered through CAPP earn University of Oshkosh credit, verified by an official transcript. These credits are transferable to all UW system schools and 2 year colleges as well as approximately 200 additional colleges and universities across the country. Information regarding transferring CAPP credits can be found at www.uwosh.edu/capp

Note: CAPP offerings are dependent on teacher certification. 

While there have been several changes to the funding of this dual credit program over the past several years, CAPP courses are currently tuition-based, and families are responsible for this tuition. Last year, tuition was $105 per college credit and courses range from 1 to 5 credits. This remains a substantial tuition reduction from on campus tuition. CAPP tuition is set by the UW-system and is subject to change. Students who qualify for Federal Free/Reduced lunch are eligible for a fee waiver. Sophomores who wish to take a course for CAPP credit will require a waiver presented on their behalf by their CAPP teacher per UWO policy. Final waiver approval is determined by the department chair at UWO, not the high school teacher, and therefore is not guaranteed. Any student can still take the course for MHS credit.

CAPP opportunities at MHS include:

BUSINESS:Accounting• AP Computer Programming• Entrepreneurship• Personal Finance• Micro Economics 201• Macro Economics 202 
PHYS ED / HEALTH:• Ropes CourseFunctional Fitness
SOCIAL STUDIES:• Economics 101• Intro to Criminal Justice• Intro to Sociology 101 
WORLD LANGUAGES:• French V & VI• German V & VI• Spanish V & VI

Early College Achievement Program (ECAP)

The Early College Achievement Program (ECAP) at Madison College provides the opportunity to gain early college credit while still attending high school. Middleton High School ECAP courses are identical to the Madison College course catalog. ECAP classes focus on introductory-level courses or courses that could be considered developmental at the college level. Information can be found at https://madisoncollege.edu/academics/college-credit-in-high-school/classes-with-your-hs-teacher

To be eligible for a Madison College ECAP course you:

• Must be a junior or a senior

• Must be in good academic standing

• Must have no record of significant disciplinary problems

• Must complete the ECAP course with a "C" or better There is no cost associated with taking ECAP courses.

ECAP opportunities at MHS include:

BUSINESS:• Computer Applications I• Principles of Marketing• Social Media Marketing
FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE:• Assistant Child Care Teacher• Child Care Services
ENGLISH• Intro to College Reading and Writing 
GENERAL:• Intro to Teaching & Education• Education in a Pluralistic Society

Project Lead the Way (PLTW)

Most Project Lead the Way courses can be taken for dual credit at a number of universities across the country. All qualified students (grades 9-12) can receive college credit for PLTW classes. College credit usually requires a B or better in the class and a certain score on the PLTW End of Course exam. These requirements are dependent on the university granting the credit and may require additional actions such as completion of the PLTW end-of-course exam and/or submission of university registration materials. College credit may be subject to change at the discretion of each college/university.  

Visit https://www.pltw.org/experience-pltw/student-opportunities for a current list of in-state and out-of-state student opportunities.  

PLTW opportunities at MHS include:

ENGINEERING/TECHNOLOGY:• Civil Engineering & Architecture• Computer Integrated Manufacturing• Digital Electronics• Engineering Design & Development• Introduction to Engineering Design• Principles of Engineering
SCIENCE:• Principles of Biomedical Sciences• Medical Interventions• Human Body Systems