Middleton High School’s Student Services Department provides opportunities and information that enhances the academic, career, social and emotional skills needed for a student’s success. The Student Services Department also focuses on resources and interventions that can remove barriers to a student’s ability and availability for learning that may exist within the student or in their environments.

Minimum Credit Load

Every MHS student must be registered for at least 2.5 credits per semester unless otherwise defined via IEP, 504 Plan, or At-Risk Plan. We recommend that students earn a minimum of 3 credits per semester (6 credits per year) to stay on track to meet graduation requirements.

Dropping a Class

A student may drop a course without penalty through the sixth week (30 school days) of the semester as long as it does not put the student below a full-time program of 2.5 credits. Students are encouraged to carefully consider their course options prior to registration. It is important that students are exposed to new courses and related career possibilities as well as to understand the expectations of a class prior to dropping the course. Beyond the sixth week of class, withdrawal from a course will result in an “F” for the course on the student’s transcript. Withdrawal from a course without an “F” may occur if there are extenuating circumstances and approval is obtained by the Student Center team.

Early Graduation

A student may graduate at the end of the semester in which all credit and graduation requirements have been fulfilled. Students graduating mid-year may participate in the spring commencement ceremony. Students must meet with their school counselor to review and complete the early graduation form for early graduation approval.

Coursework Taken Outside of MHS

Students may elect to take coursework outside of MHS for enrichment purposes. Coursework taken in this manner will not be used for placement or acceleration and will not be awarded MHS credit or indicated on the MHS transcript. Courses taken at MHS during 8th grade will be used for placement but will not receive high school credit.

Schedule Change Requirements

Any student requesting a schedule change must do so by completing the form available on the MHS webpage. The form must be completed by the dates indicated each semester. Forms will be reviewed by the school counselors and administration and students will be contacted via school email with the outcome of the request.

Criteria for a schedule change are: