The Business, Marketing and Information Technology department gives students a taste of multiple career opportunities. Students considering careers and/or college majors in computers, finance, business law, accounting, marketing and advertising have several classes available to them. In many of these courses students have the opportunity to earn college credit through UW-Oshkosh or Madison College. Middleton HS is also proud to be a member of the national High School of Business program. By utilizing the High School of Business curriculum, students work in cooperation with businesses on real business projects and problem solving applications in preparation for college and the workplace.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Principles of Business will use a project-based curriculum to develop their understanding and skills in areas such as economics, business organization, human resources and information management, marketing, operations, and accounting concepts. Students will use current technology to acquire information and complete projects. Throughout the course, students will be presented with problem-solving situations for which they must apply academic and critical thinking skills.
Note: Students will have the opportunity to take the Industry Recognized Credential test.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Business Economics will expand their understanding of how consumer spending, government policies, economic conditions, legal issues, and global competition affect the success of business practices through current applications regarding everyday societal and business life. Students will develop their knowledge and skills in areas such as economics, entrepreneurship, operations, and professional development using decision making matrices.
Note: This class does not fulfill the Financial Literacy graduation requirement.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Microeconomics will analyze and evaluate features of the American economy, and will use real-world examples to learn the principles of economics that apply to the behavior of individuals within an economic system. Students will use graphs, charts, and data to analyze, describe, and explain economic concepts.
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for UW-Oshkosh 201 - Principles of Microeconomics. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Macroeconomics will study economics as a whole to understand the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors and how they interact in economies. Students will use graphs, charts, and data to analyze, describe, and explain economic concepts. Although not required as a prerequisite, it is recommended to previously complete AP Microeconomics (CAPP)
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for UW-Oshkosh 202 - Principles of Macroeconomics. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: Principles of Business
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Principles of Finance will increase their understanding of two specific business practices - accounting and finance. Through team activities and a semester-long corporate investment project, students will make connections between accounting and finance and learn about financial statements, calculating financial ratios, and corporate decision-making based on financial data. In addition, students will apply the concepts of operating and overhead costs, internal accounting controls, and budgeting to their classroom business.
Note: This class does not fulfill the Financial Literacy graduation requirement.
Grade(s): 11,12 Prerequisite: Principles of Business
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Principles of Management will learn about the legal and ethical issues associated with management. They will develop an understanding of how to initiate, plan, implement, control, and close a project as well as how to motivate team members, delegate work, develop a chain of command, coordinate work efforts, and interpret statistical findings.
Grade(s): 11,12 Prerequisite: Principles of Business
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Business Strategies will work through a project-based curriculum to increase their understanding and skills in such areas as business law, entrepreneurship, financial analysis, human resources and strategic management. By planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling business activities, students will acquire a realistic understanding of what is required to open and successfully run a business. Throughout the course, students will make decisions, use problem-solving skills, and implement formal reflection practices. Through individual and team activities and a semester long project, students will make connections between management and business success. Students will plan and implement strategies that will be used in the MHS school store.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 1.0 Career & Tech Ed Year Course
Students in Accounting will be introduced to record financial transactions, develop financial reports, process payroll and taxes, and enhance their general knowledge of business while learning the complete Accounting Cycle. The class combines traditional accounting techniques with computerized accounting. Students will apply their accounting knowledge to complete a small business computer simulation. The students in this course will have the opportunity to earn the Quickbooks Certified User certification in this course.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 1.0 Career & Tech Ed Year Course
Students in Accounting CAPP will learn the accounting cycle and how to prepare, interpret, and maintain financial statements for parties external to the organization. This college level course is generally required as the first in a sequence of multiple accounting courses for all business majors. Students will gain foundational skills and knowledge using the language of business to help prepare for leadership opportunities in a wide range of industries.
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for UW-Oshkosh Accounting 206: Essentials of Financial Accounting. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Business Law will increase their legal knowledge and awareness through two major areas of study - criminal law and civil law. Both areas of study will be presented in relation to how crimes interfere with personal and property rights, how that directly affects people, and the ripple effect on society and business. The goal of Business Law is to make students aware of their legal rights, remedies, and obligations. Mock trials, case studies, guest speakers, and a field trip may be applied to help solidify an understanding of the legal process.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Semester Course Credit: Career & Tech Ed
Students in Personal Finance will develop an understanding of financial skills and strategies. Students will increase their knowledge in the areas of economic influences, personal decisions, banking, financial services, saving, investing strategies, taxes, credit, budgeting, housing options, car purchases, loan choices, and economic influences. Throughout the course, students will be presented with problem solving situations and project-based learning activities.
Note: Students interested in earning Financial Literacy credit instead of Career & Tech Ed should instead register for FIN1015.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Semester Course Credit: Career & Tech Ed
Students in Personal Finance (CAPP) will develop an understanding of financial skills and strategies. Students will increase their knowledge in the areas of economic influences, personal decisions, banking, financial services, saving, investing strategies, taxes, credit, budgeting, housing options, car purchases, loan choices, and economic influences. Throughout the course students will be presented with problem solving situations and project-based learning activities. While covering the same content as Personal Finance, the Personal Finance CAPP course will be taught at the college level by a CAPP approved instructor.
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for UW-Oshkosh Business 231: Personal Finance. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Note: Students interested in earning Financial Literacy credit instead of Career & Tech Ed should instead register for FIN1085.
Grade(s): 9*,10,11,12 Prerequisite: Algebra I
Semester Course Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed
* Recommend Grade 9 only if student successfully completed Algebra I in middle school with a 3 or above.
Students in Computer Programming will develop strategies for breaking down problems into smaller parts. The history of computer science, graphic user interfaces, data types, use of variables, numerical data, selection statements, strings, loops, and an introduction to methods and objects are some of the topics that will be introduced. Java programming languages will be used.
Note: Students interested in earning Mathematics credit instead of Career & Tech Ed should instead register for MAT8015.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: Intro to Computer Programming
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in AP Computer Programming will focus on data structures and object orientation. Some of the topics of study include methods, object orientation, arrays, inheritance, polymorphism, searching and sorting, and recursion. All performance tasks will be completed in the Java programming language. Students who successfully complete the AP exam & AP performance task may earn college credit.
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for UW-Oshkosh Computer Science 221: Object-Oriented Design and Programming. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Note: Students interested in earning Mathematics credit instead of Career & Tech Ed should instead register for MAT8085.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: Algebra I is recommended
Credit: 1.0 Career & Tech Ed Year Course
Students in AP Computer Science Principles will work in teams to develop computational thinking and solve open-ended, practical problems that occur in everyday society. Students will explore a wide range of computer science topics including programming, the Internet, global impact, abstraction, data and information, algorithms and creativity in computing. Students who successfully complete the AP exam may earn college credit.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Web Page Design will learn the basics of website design and development. Students will learn a variety of design principles and apply those principles while learning HTML and CSS. Students will have the opportunity to receive industry certification in Adobe Dreamweaver software. This software is the industry standard for creating and editing compelling websites and mobile apps. Beyond design, students will focus on the fundamentals behind websites including obtaining a URL, site hosting, and utilizing online free design programs. Course concepts will be applied through a variety of projects and students will leave the course with a web portfolio demonstrating their work and skills.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: Web Page Design
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Advanced Web Page Design will further increase understanding of the intricacies of web page design. Students will produce challenging, independent material based upon self-guided learning. Students will be offered the opportunity to earn industry certification in Adobe Dreamweaver. This certification is the industry standard for creating and editing compelling, rich media websites and mobile apps.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in VPT will learn the technical and creative demands of video editing and production. Students will learn basic camera operation and shooting techniques, as well as Adobe Premiere Pro’s feature set and basic interface for editing video. In addition to the technical aspects of video editing students will be taught the fundamental concepts of editing, both practical and aesthetic. Students will have the opportunity to earn industry certification in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: Visual Presentations and Technology (VPT)
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in AVPT will continue to create videos and analyze media in this individualized course with an emphasis on self-paced instruction. The Adobe software will allow students to create cinematic titles, transitions, and animate logos. Students will have the opportunity to earn industry certification in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Computer Applications I will be challenged no matter their level of computer proficiency. The class will provide students with a workable knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel. Students completing Computer Applications I and II will have the opportunity to earn Microsoft Office Suite certification.
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for 10103133 Excel Beginning & 10103137 Word Beginning through Madison College ECAP program. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: Computer Applications I
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Computer Applications II will continue their study of Microsoft Office Suite by developing a working knowledge of advanced Excel, Access, Powerpoint, and Web Tools. Students may earn Microsoft Office Suite certification.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Digital Media Design and Production will study various techniques used to bring the written word to various mediums. Students will study elements of digital design and communication which will be supported through the practice of writing for different audiences and purposes. Assessments for the class include written reflections, print media, promotional media for MHS and for local businesses, and digital production utilizing the MHS video scoreboard. Students will follow models for design and processes for building productions within each digital platform. Throughout the semester, students will create a digital portfolio of their work using Google Sites.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: Digital Media Design & Production
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Advanced Digital Media Design and Production will increase their understanding of graphic design and layout. Students will be encouraged to create challenging, independent projects based upon their interests.
Note: Students will have the opportunity to take the Industry Recognized Credential test.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Entrepreneurship will understand the procedures and techniques of owning and running a business. Students will explore career opportunities and recognize the role of an entrepreneur. Through the use of simulations, students will investigate the rewards and pitfalls of operating their own business.
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for this class through CAPP. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Note: Students will have the opportunity to take the Industry Recognized Credential test.
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for UW Oshkosh 198: Introduction to Business. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Principles of Marketing will learn basic marketing principles, consumer buying behavior, product planning and development, packaging, branding, promotion, distribution, and pricing. Projects will challenge students to analyze the business world, work through key marketing decisions, and apply knowledge to develop a marketing strategy.
Note: Students will have the opportunity to take the Industry Recognized Credential test.
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for 10104102 Marketing Principles through Madison College ECAP program. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Grade(s): 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Social Media Marketing will build their knowledge and skills through hands-on projects. They will utilize activities to enhance their social media marketing skills and strategies. The goal of the course is for students to use social media technologies to create and improve marketing efforts for businesses.
Note: Qualified students may receive college credit for 10104114 Social Media Marketing through Madison College ECAP program. All dual credit options are dependent upon teacher certification.
Grade(s): 10,11,12 Prerequisite: None
Credit: 0.5 Career & Tech Ed Semester Course
Students in Sports & Entertainment Marketing will utilize the application of marketing principles and concepts in the sports and entertainment industries. General units of study will include marketing events, products and services through sports, recreational marketing, legal issues surrounding sports and entertainment, as well as cultural and societal issues related to sports and entertainment. Students may hear from guest speakers and participate in a field trip to a college or professional sports venue to see the real life implementation of marketing to promote their teams.
Prerequisite: English 9 and One Art or Programming course Grade(s): 10,11,12
Year Course: 2 blocks per semester
Credit: 1.0 English (Cannot be used to replace English 10 and Com. Studies),
0.5 Fine Arts or,
0.5 Career & Tech Ed (Computer Programming)
Students in this program will dive deep into the world of video game design! Working collaboratively with peers, they will have the chance to build a real-life game development team and blend their skills and expertise to make something amazing. Students will strengthen their skills of analysis, visual art, computer programming, and written communication. Together, we will discuss the purpose, impact, and social context of video games as students work to design one of their own. Students should be ready to challenge their assumptions about video games and bring their ideas to life.
NOTE: To register, please sign up for the following 4 courses:
Please see the OFFSITE OPPORTUNITIES page for more information on Youth Apprenticeship, Offsite Classes and Career Internship Opportunities.