Years 7, 8 & 9

At key stage 3, our learners follow the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme. Under the curriculum of the IB, students are encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills, nurture curiosity and develop the skills to solve complex problems.

Each semester throughout years 7 to 9, students are issued with an Knowledge Organiser. At the end of the semester, students complete a Knowledge Organiser assessment, helping the learners practice recall skills and informing our departmental planning with a focus on challenge, as well as identifying any misconceptions that may need addressing.

Mascalls Academy's Dance department aims to develop young creatives who are open minded and willing to explore concepts and ideas through the medium of dance. We hope to inspire self-confidence, discipline and a respect for the creative arts, alongside supporting physical and mental wellbeing through the development of transferable skills such as communication and leadership.

Through the exploration of three key areas, Technique, Choreography and performance, we aim to encourage students to formulate their own opinions and ideas and be able to communicate these effectively, both verbally and non-verbally.

It is our goal to provide all students with a safe and creative environment to explore dance in a positive and impartial way.

Year 7

Semester 1 & 2: Technique - learning about the 6 Dance Actions through teacher taught motifs and own exploration.

Semester 3 & 4: Choreography - Introduction to choreographic devices and the choreographic process.

Semester 5 & 6: Performance - Developing skills required for successful performance.

Year 8

Semester 1 & 2: Technique - learning 2 set motifs and re-capping knowledge of key technical skills.

Semester 3 & 4: Choreography - exploring a range of stimuli and begin to understand how this can communicate a choreographic intention to a audience. Re-capping knowledge of choreographic devices.

Semester 5 & 6: Performance - exploring different professional works and analysing the characteristics and techniques used in musical theatre and performance.

Year 9

Semester 1 & 2: Technique - research 'dance through the years' and learn two teacher taught motifs to develop technical ability.

Semester 3 & 4: Choreography - using the skills developed in the Technique unit and previous knowledge of choreographic devices and communicating a choreographic intention, students begin to create their own work based on a prop.

Semester 5 & 6: Performance - students work towards building their performance ability and create an end of year class performance to celebrate their success over the last 3 years.