
Mascalls Academy's dance department aims to develop young creatives who are open minded and willing to explore concepts and ideas through the medium of dance. We hope to inspire self-confidence, discipline and a respect for the creative arts, alongside supporting physical and mental wellbeing through the development of transferable skills such as communication and leadership.

Through the exploration of three key areas, Technique, Choreography and performance, we aim to encourage students to formulate their own opinions and ideas and be able to communicate these effectively, both verbally and non-verbally.

It is our goal to provide all students with a safe and creative environment to explore dance in a positive and impartial way.

Dance at Mascalls:

At our feeder schools, students have experienced Dance through Physical Education and annual end of year performance showcases. At Mascalls Academy, students have two lessons of dance over a fortnight where they are taught the fundamental practical and technical skills, as well as, the underpinning theoretical knowledge that is required to be successful within this area of the arts. Students develop skills in Dance Technique, Choreography and Performance.

The Dance Department put on an annual Dance Show in December which showcases our student's work to friends and family.