How Can I Help?

We have been overwhelmed by the love and support of the Markham Community. Countless parents, friends, staff and students have offered their help and support towards our cause.

Below are a range of ways you can help. Please send any questions or queries to

  1. Materials, We need more materials, specifically Polycarbonate and Polypropylene, if you have contacts within the plastics industry or a similar connection please let us know.

2. Laser Cutters, We need access to as many laser cutters as possible, this would allow us to drastically increase production. If you have connections to this please get in touch.

3. Funding, If you wish to help fund our project our largest cost is materials. If a company or person wants to make a donation in materials or money, the Markham Trust will issue a certificate of donations. If you have any questions or queries please contact the Head of the Markham Trust, Claudia Espejo at

4. Making Fabric-Face-Masks at home, please see the instructions put together by Ms Corrigan. These could be distributed within your local area or sent to school for redistribution via our hospital collection. If you have any questions or queries please contact Ms Corrigan at

5. Spread the word, we are keen to inspire other MakerSpaces and FabLabs to make face-shields. Please forward our message through email, Instagram, etc.

Instagram: @markhammakerspace