¿What is the MoLTAM project about?

The Santa María Marianistas de Alboraya school has carried out the MoLTAM project (Mobile Learning Technologies and Assessment Methods), “Mobile learning and evaluation methods: learning based on the use of ICT, information and communication technologies and methods of assessment". MOLTAM took place between the 2017 and 2020 academic year.

This project is based on the exchange of good practices between the participating centers and the development of evaluation strategies and methods based on the use of technology in the classroom, and the analysis of new forms. For this, we have held meetings in the three countries to coordinate the training actions, to exchange evaluation methods that are carried out in the three centers, organization of training sessions for teachers from other centers in the three countries to show the knowledge from which we started and the experiences that we have implemented during the time of the project.




Prize awarded by

 the European Commission

by the MOLTAM project