
Imperia 3-7 October 2022

The Erasmus+ team traveled to Imperia (Italy) to continue developing the activities of the ELMO project (Environmental Learning through Mobile devices) and to meet with the Norwegian, Greek and Italian partners.

The work sessions were held at the Liceo G.P. Vieusseux. They had the opportunity to see first-hand the facilities of the center, meet with the rest of the European partners and continue developing and evaluating the different phases that comprise the ELMO project.

The project has had a significant theoretical component led by Dr Kevin Burden from the University of Hull (UK), who provided an on-site seminar for the partners and they were able to share the case study 3 activities that have been carried out. in each center based on its theoretical-practical model to use and evaluate mobile devices and applications in the educational environment: iPAC model, as well as the preparation of a video summary of all the partners in this case study 3.

The partners also participated in an interesting workshop on school debate in order to motivate the students in the respective centers. This meeting was also important for our center to maintain European contacts and continue working on activities and micro-projects that we offer our students in our classes with teachers and students from different parts of Europe.


Case Study 3 of the Spanish team of

our Santa María Marianistas center (FEMDL)