
Bergen 24-28 April 2023

The Erasmus + team traveled to the city of Bergen, Norway, where they put an end to the two European Erasmus + projects that have been carried out at the school for the last 3 courses: Young Citizen for Change (Young citizens for change) and ELMO (Environmental Learning Through Mobile Device)

During the stay, daily work sessions were held in the Media City Center building in Bergen, an innovative building where the most important media and technological innovation in the country work.

The Erasmus+ team at the center had the opportunity to present their case studies, a summary of the actions carried out in our Youth Citizen Inquiry project to combat global environmental challenges. In addition, the team attended a training given by the project coordinator on how other centers can put this work methodology into daily practice, which encourages critical thinking and creativity in our students through the use of mobile devices, making it protagonist of their own learning. Likewise, special attention was paid to aspects related to its evaluation.

In another of the sessions, all the European partners exposed the impact, the results and the actions carried out within the projects in their centers. In addition, a seminar was held in which they shared their learning with a group of Norwegian teachers. This event was headlined by Dr. Kevin Burden's talk on mobile learning, as well as Dr. Tania Fu's talk on environmental activism, both from the University of Hull in the UK.

This experience was an opportunity to continue training our teachers and, therefore, to continue training our students in aspects related to environmental awareness, through the opportunities that technology offers us.

Spanish video - Case study.mp4

video presentation of

Erasmus + team Santa María Marianistas FEMDL

Presentation video of the "Curipod" app used by the students of the Spanish, Italian, Greek and Norwegian teams with the aim of generating an international debate.

video presentation of

rap made by the students of Child Dynamix 

Meeting Bergen FEMDL Santa María Erasmus Project Young Citizens for a Change.pptx

FEMDL Santa María Erasmus Project 

Young Citizens for a Change