MNW FFA Chapter


What is SAE? 

SAE is an agricultural education program that is made up of three integrated parts: Classroom instruction, FFA, and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

With supervised agricultural experience programs (SAEs), a student designs a year-round program to gain hands-on experience and develop skills in agricultural career areas that interest them. An SAE program is the actual, hands-on application of concepts and principles learned in the agricultural education classroom and maintaining accurate records on the project. Agricultural education teachers supervise students in cooperation with parents, employers, and other adults who assist them in the development and achievement of their educational and career goals. Students with an SAE learn by doing.  ALL Agriculture education students will develop and maintain an SAE project.

Components of a SAE Project


Types of SAE  

Ideas for SAE Projects



Service Learning 

Service Learning

Develop marshland

Turn school food waste into mulch

Water quality monitoring

Farm safety class for elementary

Start a community garden

Grow food for food pantry

Steps of SAE Projects

1.  Do one of the Career Interest Inventories listed below.  Can also find on AET site.  Show Mr. Gaul results and make sure he records that you have completed it.

Ag Explorer

Get My Future

My Next Move

• Your school's career planning system  ​

2.  Plan your SAE project.  Find a project that interests you.  Mr. Gaul has resources available to help you determine a SAE project that is right for you.  When you have decided on a project fill out the SAE Project Proposal  

3. Set up your records by going to Agricultural Experience Tracker and then click on Student on the left.  Log in.  Our chapter number is "IA0134" your user name is the first letter of your first name and your last name, example "DGaul".  To start out your password will be the same.   - Instructions for how to set up  AET records.

4. Fill out the agreement form page, print, and get signatures.  This is due at the end of term. 

 Directions for filling out agreement form

5.  Do work and keep records. 

     - Instructions for keeping Paid Placement SAE records

     - Instructions for keeping Unpaid Placement  and Foundational SAE records

     -  Instructions for keeping Entrepreneurship SAE records

6.  Get a picture of your SAE project.  The picture should be of you doing something with your project.  Can have Mr. Gaul take picture during step 7.

7.  Set up a SAE visit.  Talk to Mr. Gaul to find a time when you can meet and discuss your SAE program.

End of Trimester

8. On the AET site, go to "Reports" and click on "Degree Application Manager" and then use the drop down to select "Iowa FFA State Degree". Open up the application and fill out the first two questions on the "Project Story" page.  and fill out first 3 lines of the "Skills, Compt, Knowledge" page. 

- For every trimester after your first, update the Project story page and add 3 more skills.
