MNW FFA Chapter

Entrepreneurship Records

Managing an Entrepreneurship SAE Project

You should enter your records any time that money changes hands in your project

Entering Capital items – are items that may be used for several years (Examples breeding livestock, pens, trailers, show equipment)

Hints,        Acquisition Cost = the price you paid

Salvage Value = What you expect the item to be worth at the end of its useful life

Entering Incomes and Expenses – For all items that will not last longer than the SAE project (Examples: Feed, seed, market livestock

Entering Non Cash Transactions – For anything that has value but no money changes hands – (Examples your parents let you use their land or equipment because you do work for them.  You eat the meat/ produce you grow at home instead of selling it)

Entering Journal Entries – If you want to record the time you spend managing your SAE –These hours do not count as additional income

2.    Select “Time in your AET Experiences (SAEs)

3.   Click Save at the bottom of the page