MNW FFA Chapter

Paid Placement Records

Managing a Paid Placement SAE Project

You can enter your records by paycheck if you get paid weekly, biweekly or monthly.  If you get paid once or twice a year, enter your records by week just entering the hours and nothing under income until you actually get paid.

1.      Choose the “Finances” tab at the top of the screen, then the “Enter your Paycheck option”

2.       Enter the date

3.      Enter your gross income (before taxes)

4.       Enter any taxes paid

5.      Enter any other expenses that were withheld for uniforms, tools etc

6.       Enter the number of hours you worked

7.       Check your paycheck total to AET’s net value

8.      Choose the Placement SAE from the drop down list (do not need to select something from all of the drop downs, most likely just one)

9.      Click Save at the bottom of page