September 2023 

News & Updates

Upcoming Important Dates

September 29th

McLaughlin Middle School with the Manchester Police Department conducted our first emergency drill of the school year on Tuesday.  We practiced a lockdown drill.  On Monday we reviewed what we needed to do in a lockdown: be quiet no matter what and hide. We also showed the kids where to hide in each classroom on team.  I would ask all of you to please talk to your children about the importance of all of the drills.

We will be going to the library on Thursday next week.  Please remind the kids to have their books with them.  

Check out our Caterpillars growing and changing into Butterflies!

Growing Butterflies

Upcoming Important Dates

September 22nd

We went to the library on Wednesday and got to see then renovations that happened over the summer.  The kids also got to check out books.  They will be due back in two weeks, when we will go to the library again.  Please remind them to take care of the books.

September 15th

We will be going to the library for the first time on Thursday to check out some books.  

Upcoming Important Dates:

September 18th from 6:00pm - 8:00pm: Open House (adults only please)

September 19th: No School- Teacher Workshop Day

September 11th Update

We have had a wonderful first week of school!  

In language arts we read a story about an apple orchard. In math we completed a fun poster that practices some basic math skills.  In social studies we began working with reviewing what a compass is and using the cardinal directions.  In science we started our butterfly unit and our caterpillars should be here any day now!

Upcoming Important Dates: