
Whanau Information

Your school will hold regular parent information evenings so that you know how to access your child's learning at school. You'll also learn about the Cybersmart curriculum being taught at school and how you can ensure your child is practicing these values at home so they can feel confident learning online when they are not at school.

What is Cybersmart?

Our schools are keen to ensure students are confident digital citizens and have the opportunity to learn to make great choices and apply positive strategies online. There are seven Cybersmart categories schools will cover, from a basic level with younger children through to advanced teaching at an older level. Building positive digital footprints and relationships with others online, and understanding how digital media works, are prioritised. Explore content from the Cybersmart Curriculum here.

Tips for managing the Internet at home:

Have a discussion with your child/children - let them know that internet access at home is a privilege to be earned and maintained through them demonstrating good choices, and respecting and following your guidance.

When your child first gets their Chromebook, it will usually stay at school for term one, so that your child has time to learn how to use it effectively, handle it safely, and demonstrate that they can follow all aspects of the 'Kawa of Care'. They will be able to take their Chromebook home when you are ready. It can always stay at school until you are ready to have it at home.

Here are some guidelines that may be useful:

  • Have children work on their Chromebooks in an area of the house where you most frequently spend time, and have your child sit so that the screen is easily visible to you when you walk past. Avoid having Chromebooks or other digital devices in bedrooms for as long as you can manage.

  • Take an interest in what they are doing online - this gives you an opportunity to connect with your child's online life, and lets them know you are available for support.

  • Don't have devices charging overnight in your child's bedroom. Establish a place for charging in a living area in your home.

  • Establish times when you child can use their Chromebook - if they don't want to cooperate, let them know that their Chromebook goes back to school and stays there until they have had time to show that they are prepared to follow your guidelines. Your school is very happy to support you with this, just ask.

  • Keep your wifi password secret. Type it into your child's device when it suits you for them to be online. Your school can show you how to do this.

Your child will test boundaries online in the same way that they test boundaries in the real world as they grow, and the way that they use the internet will change over time. Keep guiding and supporting them, and keep your boundaries firm around online access being a privilege to be earned at home. Your school is there to help, and is happy to arrange sessions where parents can get together to share ideas on managing online activity at home.