TOD 22 July 2019

Taipa Area School

Dr Christine Rubie Davies

Creating High Expectation Classrooms

TOD February 21 2019

Paparore School

8.30 - 9am moderation processes (with LEAD teachers from each school)

9am -Pat Seddon via hangout

9.15 -12.15 looking at data (2018 student achievement data & connections to classroom observations and questionnaires)

12.15-12.45 LUNCH-Please bring yours

12.45- 2pm WFRC key findings from The Manaiakalani Programme (Case Studies, Observations of Observations & T Shaped Literacy Skills)

2pm-3pm Time for teachers to explore the resources and consider implications for practice

3-3.30pm Where to for 2019 and beyond? (sharing back)