Distance Learning

This document will support distance learning.

Limit the Links: The Manaiakalani Programme response to Social Distancing

Things To Think About

Keep things simple.

Make sure your class sites are easily accessed from your school page.

Check your site is public to everyone. Check the visibility using the incognito window.

Think about what your priorities are and do them well. Use Google Meets to connect with your students, not teach all your content.

Some of the most successful activities during distance learning have been ones that involve the whole whānau.

How do you plan to encourage collaboration so that students are staying connected?

Make sure lessons are robust enough, with clear instructions so that they can be completed independently. Screencastify can be used for longer instructions.

Are learners motivated and will they stay engaged? Commenting on student blogs is one way to keep engagement up.

How will you check in on students' wellbeing?

Give lots of opportunities to create rather than just consume. Remember that not everything has to be online. This is a great opportunity to think outside the box!


View the slide deck to see how

Further information available on the google support link

Smart Learners: Google Drive Offline

Manaiakalani Sites for Teachers and Students

Feed back from our teachers is some of the most successful activities during distance learning have actively involved the whole whānau. Check out the Summer Learning Journey blog for some awesome whānau activities for your learners to try and share on their blogs.

Google Meet Challenges also include preparing to participate successfully online.

Blog Comment Competition: set this up for learners to connect with blog commenting from home.

Remote learning class site examples from Manaiakalani teachers

South Hornby Year ⅔ - Learning on Class Blog