Writing Moderation

The cluster uses e-asTTle writing samples to share expectations and understandings of levels, in order to develop consistency in our decisions about student learning and achievement in writing.

2022 Term 4 Moderation

Thursday 10 November

Paparore School

9:30 am

  • Genre Years 1-3 = Recount

  • Genre Years 4-8=Narrative

2021 Term 1 Writing Moderation

  • Date: Monday March 2021

  • Time: 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm

  • Venue: Pompallier Catholic School Kaitaia

  • Leader/s: Joanne Ryken- Pompallier

  • Genre Years 1-3 = Recount

  • Genre Years 4-8=Narrative

  • The e-asTTle prompts must be used - each school can choose which one to use

Writing Sample marking key for cluster moderation

e-asTTLe marking resources are available online here

Te Hiku e-asTTle Moderation Samples