Te Hiku Education Trust

Established in 2008, the trust was initially formed to administer and promote Computers in Homes throughout Te Hiku. This initiative has given the Trust the necessary financial, strategic and administrative base to actively support and resource the Manaiakalani Initiative when it was offered to the Te Hiku region in 2018.

Specifically the trust underwrites the purchase of Chromebooks for all schools including the administration of a number of payment options for Te Hiku parents, finances the clusters professional development initiatives including attendance at National hui and special projects such as the Te Hiku Film Festival. 

The trustees are all community focussed individuals with a motivation  for improving educational outcomes for all Te Hiku tamariki and are proud of the significant progress participating schools are making in this regard. They are:-

Ian Swindells JP 

Diane Lawrenson, Business owner

Adele Gardner Local Body Representative

Andrea Panther Project Manager and Chair of Kaitaia Business Association

John Windleborn Principal Paparore School

Jackie Osborne Principal Ahipara School - schools representative

They would like to acknowledge the support of sponsors including Foundation North, Oxford Trust, Valic NZ and Petricevich Buses