Common FAQs

You have questions, and we have answers! 

FAQs will be continually updated as patterns arise

How do I control the emails that Brightspace sends to me?

The notification settings in Brightspace (which controls what gets emailed to you and when) contains the following notification defaults:

Daily email updates for the following course actions:

Though these are the default notifications, you can control and decide what sends a notifications, how often you would like that notification, and how you would like to receive those updates (i.e.: email or SAS-push notification).  You will note that updating these notification settings will update how and when you receive notifications across all of your classes.

Review How to Update your Notifications

Note: your professor may depend on using the Announcements in the course to send you timely feedback and information--please leave this option checked to receive those emails. 

How do I share a Kaltura video?

There are a couple of ways that you can share a Kaltura video, and the way you share is largely dependent on where you need to share your video, and who needs to view it.  Let's look at the two most common scenarios:

You have a video Discussion post that you need to use Kaltura for, or and Assignment that requires a video submission.  This assignment will be in Brightspace, with an audience of professor and classmates.

Follow these instructions for:

Sharing a Kaltura video in an Assignment

Sharing a Kaltura video in a Discussion Board

If you created a video, and need to share it outside of class (ie: for a club activity or to support field experience), or even outside of the UMPI-shere, you will follow a different approach.  For this task, you will need to 'publish' your video, and grab the URL to share:

Sharing your Kaltura video via URL 

Should I connect Google Apps to Brightspace, and if so--how do I do that?

There are many advantages to linking your Google apps to your Brightspace account.  You will be able to easily access your Gmail, Calendar and Google Drive from your Brightspace Homepage (and every course Homepage, in the Google Apps widget).  A common concern is that this will enable peers and/or faculty to see or access your Google apps, fear not, though--because this connection is user-specific, so every individual will only ever see their own apps!

Another advantage to connecting your Google apps, is that it will allow you to do and access materials and tasks in ways that you cannot, you you have not connected yet.  Here are a couple of examples that require Google apps connection:

Let's look at how to get started:

Connect to Google Apps & Submit a Doc Assignment

I am having trouble taking quizzes with the Respondus Lockdown Browser on my Chromebook--why?

Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor tools require specific hardware requirements to work.  Lockdown Browser requires the ability to download the browser app (even though you access your test, quiz or exam in Brightspace).  The Monitor requires access to a webcam. 

You should note that Respondus needs special permission set on the test, to use a Chromebook or iPad.  If your course contains Respondus tests, quizzes or exams, and you have a an incompatible device, please make timely arrangements on a compatible device, for test-taking AND reach out to your professor to update settings for future exams.  If you are unsure about whether your device is compatible, please content the IT:Helpdesk:

Phone: (207)768-9626 

or Email:

How do I add multimedia, like pictures and videos, to my Discussion Boards and Assignments?

You can easily add multimedia content, like links, Google content, videos and more to Brightspace in the Assignment and Discussion areas with the content editor.  Let's take a quick tour of how to use these formatting tools:

Using the Content Editor in Brightspace

I am learning on my mobile device--should I use the Brightspace Pulse app, or just access the class in the browser at

Whether to use the Pulse app or not is largely a matter of user preference.  Many student love the Pulse app because of the push notifications they receive on theory devices (though it should be noted that the app only pushes notifications with a 'due date').

If you are considering using the Pulse app, there are somethings that you will not be able to access, that you should be aware of:

For these reasons, we recommend just accessing Brightspace directly from a supported browser on your mobile device.  The content is designed to be adaptive to your screen, and you will be able to access all of the tools that you are used to accessing on your PC or MAC.  If you really love push notifications, you can always adjust your Notification settings to text you the information that meets your needs!

I am a YourPace student, and I submitted all of my Milestone Assessments, but I cannot see where to submit my final...

In the YourPace program, your Final Assessment (and Draft option, if available) will only be able to be accessed if:

If your Milestone is not graded yet, you you have a score, but cannot see the Rubric scores, please reach out to your professor for help. If your Milestones are all "Proficient", and you can see your rubric scores-but still cannot access your Final, please reach out to your Academic Success Coach.

Where to Get Help

If you have technical difficulties, or trouble logging in, submitting quizzes or assignments and or viewing course content, please reach out to  our UMS:IT Support team by: