

CyberSecurity Revolution Conference 2022, online , Monash University, 8 of May, 2022, https://secrev.org/index.html

#cybersecurity is a global problem that requires researchers and practitioners across the world to work together. Thanks for the invitation from the co-organizer of this exciting event, CyberSecurity Revolution Conference 2022, I had a great time sharing the latest trend of #cybercrimes during the time of #covid19pandemic in #taiwan via the zoom session online. In brief, the keywords of cybercrimes in Taiwan in 2021 are #dataleaks, #smartfamily appliances, and Non-Fongible-Token(#nft ). You can find the full program (will be streamed on 10 of May) on the website link below and on the streaming schedule, viewers can exchange comments in real time with other participating scholars from Australia (#monashuniversity ), Canada (#montreal Univesity), Europe (The #hague University) , UK (#manchester University) and Asia (Thailand and Vietnam).

【2022 #網路安全革命 (Security Revolution) 國際研討會】

網路沒有國界,網路安全(或稱「#資安」)成為極需跨國合作的主題。今年由 #澳洲 (Monash)、#加拿大 (Montreal)、#歐洲 (Hague)、#英國 (Manchester)、#亞洲 (Thailand and India)等地專精 #網路犯罪#網安資安防護 等相關學研法人單位,聯合舉辦的 #網路安全革命國際研討會,我也參與了「疫情期間的亞洲網路犯罪趨勢」(Cybercrime in Asia during the Pandemic and beyond)場次,發現2021年台灣網路犯罪趨勢有幾項特色:#資料外洩 案件大增、和 #nft 有關的 #投資詐騙 暴增、以及 #一頁式詐騙 的崛起。