Bilbao, Spain

6 weeks in Bilbao, Spain

Program type: Universidad de Deusto - CIDE

Most time spent in: Bilbao, Spain

Length: 6 weeks

Semester/Year: Summer 2022

Year at GVSU when studied abroad: between Sophomore and Junior year


I chose this program because I was looking for a partnership program through Grand Valley that was offered in the summer. I was very excited to go to Spain, as I had never been to Europe. I also chose this program, because there was a large approved course catalog that I could chose from, in order for my classes to best apply to my Spanish minor. Also, due to the time that I was studying abroad it was important to me that I picked a GVSU partnered program in case the trip was canceled due to Covid-19.

Example Day

Most days I would get up around 9am and get ready for the day and then head to breakfast in the dining hall. Then, myself and some friends would walk to the campus and head to class. I had class two everyday the span from 10am - 2pm, with two breaks during that time. After classes, we would head back to the dining hall for lunch. Then after lunch we would do something fun until dinner. This might be going to the beach, or going shopping, or just taking a walk around town. Afterwards, we would get dinner, and then maybe get ice cream or do some homework.


I think my time in Bilbao was better than I could have expected. I really enjoyed all aspects of my time studying abroad. I wouldn't change anything about my experience, however, I would recommend staying with a host family. Due to Covid-19 there was a very limited number of host families available, so I stayed in a dorm. This allowed me to make close friends with many of the other students, but I did not get to focus on my language as much as I would have with a host family. One thing I wish I would have done to better prepare was to pack less. I think less is more when studying abroad, and bringing less would have allowed me to have more room to bring things home.

"One thing I wish I would have done to better prepare was to pack less."

"I would recommend staying with a host family."


I would recommend staying with a host family. I did not get this opportunity, but I would definitely recommend in order to get the language experience. I would also recommend traveling while abroad. Take at least one weekend and go to a neighboring city, or even somewhere slightly further away and experience more of the culture. For my program specifically it is geared toward all students, so you do not need to have a high level of Spanish language knowledge in order to be a part of the experience.

Check out their blog below!

If you have any questions about the program above or the experience of this page's author specifically, feel free to contact them using the following email:

La Tertulia (GVSU Spanish Club)

This website is kept up by La Tertulia, the GVSU Spanish Club. This club gives students the opportunity to practice their Spanish and expand their knowledge about different countries where Spanish is spoken. Check out the La Tertulia Laker Link page for more details!

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