
Frameless Immersive Art Experience, London

Digital recreation of Vincent Van Gogh's Self Portrait (1887) from the Colour in Motion exhibition

Colour in Motion

Nicholas Tom

On December 29, our class went to the Frameless Immersive Art Experience.  The venue utilized state of the art technology such that the art fully encapsulates the room and the viewer is engaged as part of the art. The image above portrays a recreation of Vincent Van Gogh’s Self Portrait (1887) from the digital art exhibit Colour in Motion. This exhibit utilized advanced motion tracking technology that allows the viewer to influence the painting. This was certainly a surreal experience, unlike anything I have done before. Following class lectures, I can see how this modern, avant garde exhibit is influenced directly by the Bloomsbury Group. The Bloomsbury Group was known for nurturing creative environments which left a lasting impression on art, literature, economics amongst many other disciplines. The group made their mark through their contemporary approach as described by writer Raymond Williams when he states, “They lived in a peculiar atmosphere of influence, manners and respectability.”1 The group would regularly participate in at-homes where their unique blend of personalities and backgrounds would bring forth new ideas. They were not afraid to challenge societal norms. This realization percolated through my mind as I immersed myself in each gallery. I admired the art in a way that I could not only appreciate the artist, but also all of the influences on the artist that contributed to such an innovative work. I additionally considered if this exhibition would even exist if not for the Bloomsbury Group. The precedent for groundbreaking innovation and creativity set by the group was revolutionary and I truly believe immersive experiences such as Frameless would not exist in the same manner without the Bloomsbury Group. As I reflect on how I can apply this knowledge today, I recognize how important kinship was in cultivating new ideas. This was discussed on our walking tour when it was mentioned that, “innovation does not happen in isolation.” Learning about the Bloomsbury Group and witnessing their long lasting influence helped me recognize the value of collaboration.

1 Spalding, Frances. The Bloomsbury Group. National Portrait Gallery Publications, National Portrait Gallery, 2021. p11.