Bloomsbury Walking Tour

This was a photo was taken by Aaron Joshua Asparin of the landscape during the Bloomsbury Walking Tour, hosted by Professor J. Ashley Foster

“It was a silly, silly dream, being unhappy.”

– Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway;

  inspired by Professor J. Ashley Foster’s “Bloomsbury Walking Tour”

The steps of the cobblestones

drew my attention towards my

immersion into such a new place–

studying such a creative life,

that the previous grief that had

sullied my skies with dark and heavy

soot and infested my world

in a repulsive fucking stench,

had suddenly dissipated when

I finally came to this place,

when I finally bore witness to

their stories– to their lives,

but especially when I sat there,

talking to you,

as if the world I finally reached,

that was finally all around me,

didn’t exist.

Aaron Asparin

This poem was specifically written in inspiration to a certain person I had fallen for throughout my trip studying abroad-- a relationship that was subtly brewing as I visited the locations throughout the walking tour. The walking tour made me salient to how my previous sadness the previous semester was completely gone-- some in part due to being in such a beautiful place, learning wonderful stories through my professor's tour, but also in part due to the fact that I lost complete sense of where I was when I sat there, speaking to that lover.