High Incidence

Endorsement ONLY

If you already hold a Master's degree or if you only want to add the High Incidence Special Education Full Endorsement to your existing, valid teaching license, you will apply through the Graduate School for the Non-Degree Special Education (High Incidence) program. 

The requirements for earning the High Incidence Special Education endorsement include:

Entry GPA requirement is 3.0 on last 60 undergraduate hours. Candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 throughout the program.

Most students can complete this program in 2-3 years. We highly recommend that you only take 2 courses or less per semester, based on your work and home obligations and needs. This program is designed to teach through practical application. As such, you will be required to observe in special education settings across grade levels (pre-K through 12th grade) and engage in case study applications of what you will be learning in courses with students with high incidence exceptionalities. All SPED courses also have face-to-face sessions hosted through Zoom.

Please note: If you have been hired to teach special education in the state of Kansas without having completed the coursework for a Full Endorsement, see Teaching on a Waiver and follow the course plan determined on your QPA Waiver Plan of Study. 

Licensure Information: 

The High Incidence endorsement program is NOT a licensure program in the state of Kansas. If you want to teach High Incidence Special Education, you will need to have an existing, initial valid teaching license. Completion of this program will grant you a Full Endorsement in High Incidence Special Education (Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade). This full endorsement will then be added to your existing valid teaching license. If you plan to apply for the endorsement in a non-Kansas state, you will likely need to obtain an Institutional Verification Form from your state department of education.  That form will need to be sent to Kerry Schuckman (kschuckm@fhsu.edu or fax 785-628-4447), FHSU Licensure Officer, for completion. 

Graduate Course Credit:

If you already have graduate credit hours from another institution, contact your adviser to see if they will transfer. You will need to send FHSU Gradaute School an official transcript of your gradaute courses. 

Non-Degree Special Education High Incidence Program of Study (for candidates who begin the program AFTER June 1, 2021)

Start with these courses first (taken in any order):

Then take these courses next:

Non-Degree Special Education High Incidence Program of Study (for candidates who began BETWEEN June 1,  2018 and June 1, 2021)

Start with these courses first (taken in any order):

Then take these courses next (taken in any order):

Non-Degree Special Education High Incidence Program of Study (for candidates who began the program BEFORE June 1,  2018)

Start with these courses first (taken in any order):

Then take these courses next (taken in any order):