Existing Portfolio

If you have signed up for comprehensive exams for Spring 2021, and have already started your portfolio, continue to use these instructions.

If you have not yet started your portfolio, follow the new/revised portfolio instructions.

If you are working toward your Master's of Science in Special Education degree, you must complete and pass a comprehensive portfolio towards the end of your program. The comprehensive portfolio can be submitted in the Spring or Fall semesters, but NOT the summer so plan accordingly. Sign-up for Comprehensive Exam/Portfolio HERE. This portfolio will be submitted online and will consist of 5 sections:

A. Student (with Exceptionality) Growth

B. Research and Inquiry

C. Collaboration

D. Leadership/ Professionalism

E. Reflective Profile

Your comprehensive portfolio will demonstrate how you have met the Council for Exceptional Children Initial Preparation Standards and FHSU Special Education Program Learning Outcomes (PLO).The CEC standards are the national guiding principles for acquiring advanced endorsements in the field of special education.The FHSU Special Education Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) include the knowledge, skills and disposition that you have acquired in the Advanced Education Programs- High Incidence/ Gifted Special Education Program.

To begin preparing for your comprehensive portfolio:

  1. Read the overview for each section below.

  2. Become familiar with the CEC standards (link above) so that you will know how to address them.

  3. Review the FHSU Special Education Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) so that you will know how to address them.

  4. Start gathering artifacts from courses that you have completed (see suggested artifacts for each section below, but you may use others if you feel they address the CEC standards) and save major assignments from courses you are currently taking. Artifacts may only be used in one section (i.e., you cannot use the same artifact to address two different sections of the portfolio). You may use personal experience as artifacts but they should not be primary sources.

  5. For each section, you will be writing a 1-2 page narrative. The narrative must clearly connect your artifact to the CEC standards and the FHSU Special Education Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) being addressed. Narrative must demonstrate a broader perspective of your growth in this area, based on the learning that occurred while in the program.

  6. Person-first language (see Program Policies) is expected throughout the portfolio, including your reflective video.

Peer Review Process

Prior to submitting your portfolio, you will engage in a peer-review process with others who are also submitting their comprehensive portfolios. The purpose of this process is to help you ensure that your portfolio is ready for submission (i.e. to verify that each section completed, links working, everything meets the stated expectations), but to also give you a chance to network with colleagues in the program and share your work with others. Download the form at the bottom of this page (Peer Review Form_SPED Comprehensive Portfolio).

Section A: Student (with Exceptionality) Growth


This section of the portfolio must reflect evidence of your effectiveness in promoting the academic, behavioral, and social/emotional growth for individuals with exceptionalities with whom you work.


  • Select at least three CEC standards and at least three PLOs addressing student growth;

  • Select 2-5 artifacts demonstrating student growth (see suggested artifacts listed below). Remember, an artifact can only be used once.

  • Write 1-2 page narrative, written in scholarly APA 7, to explain how the artifacts that you have selected represent that you have met these CEC standards and program learning outcome (PLO) (effectiveness in promoting student growth). Note: This section is NOT about your growth as a student, but how YOUR STUDENTS with exceptionalities are growing academically, behaviorally, and socially/emotionally.

Suggested Artifacts:

  • Instructional Plan (SPED 806)

  • Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan (SPED 804)

  • IEP Assignment (SPED 806)

  • IFSP/Early Childhood Assignment (SPED 811)

  • Case Study Interventions (SPED 822, SPED 867)

  • Technology assignments (SPED 810)

  • Transition Plan (SPED 861)

  • Other related assignments from required courses

Section B: Research and Inquiry


This section of the portfolio must reflect evidence of your effectiveness in conducting research and evaluating and using evidence-based practices to improve the academic, behavioral, and social/emotional outcomes of students with exceptionalities with whom you work.


  • Select at least three CEC standards and at least three PLOs addressing research and inquiry in special education;

  • Select 2-5 artifacts demonstrating research and inquiry (see suggested artifacts listed below). Remember, an artifact can only be used once.

  • Write 1-2 page narrative, written in scholarly APA 7, to explain how the artifacts that you have selected represent that you have met this standard (conducting, evaluating, and using research) and program learning outcome (utilizing formal and informal assessments).

Suggested Artifacts:

  • Proposal (AEP 803)

  • Final research paper (SPED 811)

  • Article Reviews (SPED 822)

  • CBM Report (SPED 805)

  • Norm-referenced Test Report (SPED 805)

  • Literature Review (SPED 861; SPED 867; SPED 860)

  • Interview Report (SPED 805)

  • Other related assignments from required courses

Section C: Collaboration


This section of the portfolio must reflect evidence of your effectiveness in communicating and collaborating with colleagues, parents, and community members to improve the academic, behavioral, and social/emotional outcomes of students with exceptionalities with whom you work.


  • Select three CEC standards and three PLOs addressing collaboration in special education;

  • Select 2-5 artifacts demonstrating collaaboration (see suggested artifacts listed below). Remember, an artifact can only be used once.

  • Write 1-2 page narrative, written in scholarly APA 7, to explain how the artifacts that you have selected represent that you have met these standards and program learning outcome (effectiveness in communication and collaboration).

Suggested Artifacts:

  • Paraprofessional Project (SPED 867)

  • Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavioral Intervention Plan (SPED 804)

  • Early Childhood Assignment (SPED 811)

  • Collaborative Paper (SPED 802)

  • Collaborative group projects (SPED 806, SPED 822)

  • Group Presentation (SPED 802)

  • Parent Partnership Poster (SPED 867)

  • Other related assignments from required courses

Section D: Leadership and Professionalism


This section of the portfolio must reflect evidence of your skills and knowledge in exhibiting leadership (i.e., in your school or any external organization) and professionalism.


  • Select three CEC standards and three PLOs addressing leadership and professionalism in special education;

  • Select 2-5 artifacts demonstrating leadership and professionalism (see suggested artifacts listed below). Remember, an artifact can only be used once.

  • Write 1-2 page narrative, written in scholarly APA 7, to explain how the artifacts that you have selected represent that you have met these standards and program learning outcome (leadership and professionalism).

Suggested Artifacts:

  • Instructional Plan (SPED 806)

  • Collaboration Model (SPED 867)

  • Parent rights (SPED 801)

  • Documentation showing membership in Council for Exceptional Children

  • Personal leadership experience (i.e., in schools, external organization, community)

  • Group Projects where you have taken leadership roles

Section E: Reflective Profile


This section of the portfolio will demonstrate your ability to critically reflect on your growth and development as a special education specialist. In this section, you are required to develop the following:

  1. Teaching Philosophy: A teaching philosophy is a reflective piece about your beliefs related to teaching and learning. For this section, you are required to explain your beliefs about teaching students with exceptionalities. Your teaching philosophy needs to be 1-2 pages in length, double spaced, and in correct APA 7 format.

  2. Professional resume: Design a professional resume to reflect your background, qualifications, skills, and accomplishments.

  3. Practicum Log: Create a log of all practicum hours that you have completed in the program. Practicum hours comprise of all hours that you worked directly with one ore more students with exceptionalities. Practicum Log should include: (a) course name and number, (b) name of assignment, (c) brief description of task/assignment, (d) description of what you did with the student(s), and (e) how many hours that you spent working with the student(s). Include all signed time sheets used in the program. Some classes where you may have earned practicum hours: SPED 804, SPED 805, SPED 822, SPED 861, SPED 860.

  4. Video Critical Reflection: Video record your responses in a 8- 15 minute recording. Please note: we will only watch 15 minutes so say what needs to be said in 15 minutes or less. Use VidGrid to record your video. Upload the link you copied from completing your VidGrid video to Section E of your comprehensive portfolio website. You MUST set the share option to anyone with the link. Otherwise, we will not be able to see your video - and you will not pass this section of the portfolio! Your Video Critical Reflection must address the following:

a. Reflect on preconceived ideas and assumptions - the belief system you held at the beginning of the program about working with students with exceptionalities.

b. Analyze how those assumptions and beliefs have been transformed. What happened to challenge those beliefs and assumptions? What changed? Discuss PLO and CEC standards and how accomplishing them helped transform your beliefs.

c. Project forward new ideas and directions. What changes have you made/will you make based on what you have learned from this program and why?

5. Peer Review: Complete a review of peer's portfolio (click on link to access form). Submit a completed copy of the peer-review form.

Now that you have read all directions thoroughly, here are Instructions on Creating Comprehensive Portfolio.